China vs Japan: Why Japan is Preparing for War? | Compilation

China vs Japan: Why Japan is Preparing for War? | Compilation
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China vs Japan: Why Japan is Preparing for War? | Compilation

China and Japan has been driven home by a number of incidents between the two countries. For example, in January 2013 a Chinese navy vessel directed a fire-control radar at a Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer. A little over a year later, in May and June 2014, two Chinese military fighter aircraft flew unusually close to Japanese military aircraft. These incidents could have led to a much wider conflagration, particularly in the absence of a crisis communications mechanism.


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About the Author: Business Basics


  1. I think China be lying about they're numbers. How they have all them infantry numbers. When they've had 1 kid law for decades not to mention all the flus and biological shit that killed allot of them off aswell.

  2. "Nanjing Massacre" Mao, Times, Newspaper, they didn't say any such thing. Mao just said "We have to move to Beijin" only.
    I'm sure that you heard such a story from Jiang Zemin or Little pink. if no, please show me an officially document or Newspaper.

  3. Modern society and social media has reduced 'murricans to a 15-minute attention span. 3 hours? This video is for people who just like noise in the background to occasionally listen to.

  4. When i commit a crime the police dont kidnap me. Im arrested. When ukraine violates treaties its not a invasion . Its a correction . Ukrainians brought foreign military too close to russia .

  5. 🇯🇵 : “we need to build up a military that can fight a war”
    Ok someone stop them right there. The last 5 times they said that it never went well for anyone, not even themselves. We already have enough wars going on as it is.

  6. I am 20 minutes in and I hear “In this video🧐” and my heart just, sank like… OMG it’s 10 in the night ima have to listen to this yap about fricken Japan and china for 2 MORE HOURS yeah im not gonna get any sleep from this lol😅

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