5 Massive Landslides Caught On Camera

Spread The Viralist

5 Massive Landslides Caught On Camera
SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/3obsVlo

► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements

For any and all copyright matters, please email me directly at UnderworldCopyright@gmail.com

Unless otherwise created by Underworld, licenses have been obtained for images/footage in the video from the following sources; https://pastebin.com/4ywtBPbk

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About the Author: Underworld


  1. The Hwy 140 slide is a permanent edition. It will never be cleaned up, and will continue to fall. They built temporary bridges, and then permanent bridges across the Merced River and then back around the slide.

  2. Have you forgotten there is another state…one you rarely, or rarely qmention. ALASKA is our biggest state, with more than its lowes 😢🎉3000 sgausecertain😢ky how echo cholodicagvg@@ĝĝyyard; and do romr thigh ĥù 6th u ty I
    I 😢¹

  3. Hi i live in Holland and we don't have mountains here and as far as i know no major land slides and we don't have earthquakes like they do in the US and other parts of the world. our only danger is flooding by the ocean or by rivers and that happend in 1953 when a river flooded a large part of this country with many casualtys and dead. But in building water workswe are the masters.

  4. dislike for fake thumbnail, can't even be bothered to watch your trash video.

    It contributes to making people less and less smart. Stop it. Or not i guess. Enjoy the money 😉 idiot.

  5. 魚骨圖地震系統,和,魚骨圖土石流系統,在沒有水的情況下,也會造成,魚骨圖土石流系統,和,魚骨圖地震系統,因,地震,會一直來,

  6. Why do you insist on replaying the same scene over and over and in slow-motion? Don't you realise that we – the viewers – have that ability using the controls provided?!

  7. That one in Nepal looks more like a rubble slide, just rocks rolling down the gullies.

    And the script for this video could have been more thought out; re: Mt St Helens, "the pressure inside the mountain was putting a TON of force…." ….I would think MANY tons of force!

  8. This will happen Wich to s scary but people and ze are he earth diging and wars Wich holes can d celebrate p anywhere where was wars .

  9. Thats so stupid mount number 2 should of been number one 57 ppl died in number 2 with no mention of it and number 1 was stupid

  10. As for that first one, in Japan, the narrator reckons there were no casualties or injuries. Does the dickhead ever spare a thought for any other (much more important) species?!

  11. One of the most common mistakes youtubers make is in narration. Some use narrators wit annoying ways of speaking. Worse, some use bot narrators. And some, (like the maker of this vid) don't know when to shut up. and end up over-narrating. Just intro the clips. We don't need a "dawn of time" explanation.

  12. The first pictures you see of Mt St Helen, that guy didnt die, another guy did. The first guy is in a documentary called "Minute By Minute: the eruption of Mount St Helen". There are people who are confused about that.

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