141 #Russia 1942 ▶ Battle of Stalingrad – Street Fights (2/2) 6th Army Heeresgruppe B (September 42)

141 #Russia 1942 ▶ Battle of Stalingrad - Street Fights (2/2) 6th Army Heeresgruppe B (September 42)
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Russia 1942 ▶ Battle of Stalingrad – 6th Army Street Fights (Part 2/2) Heeresgruppe Süd/B 6. Armee (September 42)
Playlist ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLEtu_bvreispSTeS_m08OcY8sC26bJVN
Part 2: Heeresgruppe Süd /Heeresgruppe B, 6. Army General Friedrich Paulus
Fighting in the suburbs of Stalingrad, street and house fighting in the city center, main railway station, grain elevator, breakthrough of infantry and grenadiers to the Volga /Бои в пригородах Сталинграда, уличные и квартирные бои в центре города, главный железнодорожный вокзал, зернохранилище, прорыв пехоты и гренадеров к Волге / Kämpfe in den Vororten von Stalingrad, Straßen- und Häuserkampf in der Innenstadt, Hauptbahnhof, Getreidespeicher, Durchbruch von Infanterie und Grenadieren zur Wolga

history, ww2, Germany, Россия, Stalingrad, Cталинград, simplehistory, military, worldwar, Official Trailer, Official, Battle Of Stalingrad (Event), Stalingrad (Film), Trailer, Film (Film), Theatrical, Theatrical Trailer, Exclusive, History Movie, Movie Theater (Industry), German, Soviet counterattack, Operation Uranus
#history #ww2 #Stalingrad #Cталинград #Россия #Germany #military #worldwar #worldwar2 #war #ww #wwii #simplehistory #Paulus


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  1. The streets are littered with remnants of bldgs. Dead men and horses also.. even tho I'm not German I get very sad about these young men never seeing the.good in this world

  2. Ironic to think how in few months later they who we see in the video would be suffer strugging for life and dead or being captured

  3. Liberated Stalingrad (Volgograd) holds.. Steadfast & Resolute
    The Historic Injustice done to the 6th Army of Heroes.. Will. Be. Corrected. ✓✓
    We. Don't. Abandon. (or Forget). Our. Brave. Heroes..
    ..We Rush to Their Flanks, to aid their Valiant Struggle for Freedom

  4. 6 Армия Сталинграднинг бузилган уйлари ва кучаларида тикилиб колди пиеда кушинлар ва танклар душмани айланиб утишолмаябди киска килиб айтганда ботиб колишди энди уларни шавкатсиз киш ва душманинг уклари кутябди 6 армия учун хаммаси тугади

  5. They came to Russia to kill children and rape women. 900 000 German soldiers died in Stalingrad. 100 000 German soldiers surrendered. The one who will come to us with a sword will die with a sword.

  6. Their grandchildren are mostly gay in present day nihilist Germany. At least back then they had a dream. And the mission to rid the earth of Stalin and his herd of NKVD butchers and communist thugs bent on "liberating" the world from capitalist rule.

  7. Scene at :45 is the lead up to one of classic wartime photos of Stalingrad fighting. The still photographer was in the trench/pit below shooting up at the two Soldaten surveying the front. The motion picture cameraman working here was probably working together as a team.

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