The wrath of nature. NATURAL DISASTERS caught on camera

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The wrath of nature. NATURAL DISASTERS caught on camera

Eruption, Sel, Landslide, collapse, Avalanche,Tsunami, Fire, Tornado, Blizzard, Grad, Drought, destruction, Explosions man made natural,natural disasters t he, what,
disaster, natural disaster, what are disasters, what is natural disasters, what are natural disasters disaster meaning earthquake man made disasters, types of disasters Damage, rain, hail, snow,nuclear strike, nuclear disaster, nuclear, MOTHER NATURE, Moments, Caught On Camera, tornado, natural disasters caught on camera, nature camera


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About the Author: Disaster On Camera


  1. Just a tip for mother of the year: Don't drive toward a tornado, and INTO a tornado, especially with a scared child in your vehicle!!

  2. Порп прекратить всевозможные испытания!!! А также засорять КОСМОС!!! И вмешиваться в природу, создавая различные коллайдеры и прочие изобретения!!! Иначе человек погубит сам себя!!! А теперь пожинаем плоды своих действий!!!

  3. It's ok sweetie we're going home right now. Just gotta drive through this horrific storm. What's that, you think we should find better shelter in one of the hundred shops along the way? Don't be silly sweetie, I'm a really good driver and Ive been trained to handle category 10 weather systems.

  4. ha…the dumb chick was worried about the water coming over the deck?!!! she should've been worrying about the deck getting washed away

  5. The Ship looks like the Ferry which operates between the North Island and the South Island of New Zealand, crossing the cook straight – I would not want to be a passenger when that happens – I have a real phobia about ending up in the sea if the ship sinks 😱😨😰

  6. Mother nature is churning up again. I don't doubt. In the next 5 years we're going to experience a major earthquake or catastrophic event here on American soil. It's been a ticking time bomb bottling up for many years. The last big one we had was in 1989.

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