Gentleman Animals

Gentleman Animals
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Did you know that non-human animals could be such perfect gentlemen?

Humans resemble other animals in so many respects, which makes sense given that humans are part of the animal kingdom.🙂

Let’s be compassionate towards other animals. They are, after all, very similar to us and just want to live free of suffering.

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About the Author: Kinder World


  1. This was heartbreaking to see these chickens rap there 😢feathers around other chickens. Tomatoes proof enough to know the animals have more love than some humans .❤ and then you got the turkey who stopped the traffic to let his little family by those are so cute

  2. Los animales cada vez me sorprenden más porque nos dan muchísimo ejemplo de amor, sensibilidad y de solidaridad con sus compañeros. Ojalá el hombre tuviera esa gran aptitud para mejorar el mundo.

  3. What humans have became… 😓.
    But still dawg we don't know their real intentions and we prob won't know why they are acting this way for a long time.

  4. На первом кадре прям как в странах. А ну быстро все в стойло.

  5. Not the only reasons I love ALL animals!! It just to show you that they are not as dumb as you think they are! So why abuse them !! Watch again to learn .!!

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