20 Natural Disasters Waiting To Happen

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Because we’re not already having a bad enough time with wars, pandemics, and skyrocketing living costs, why not think about natural disasters that will probably try to wipe us out? I mean, we’re already riddled with anxiety, so what’s a little more? From infectious diseases to megatsunamis, here are 20 natural disasters waiting to happen

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About the Author: The Finest


  1. Or maybe. All these people who produce these videos are paid. Their job is to keep us afraid an constantly on edge, otherwise we would have to much time on our hands and we would finally figure out that were all been controlled by an elite few who live of and profit from our fear. Or something along these lines.

  2. The Ozone hole…. CFCs do make the hole worse, so humans do have an impact on it. Which is why they changed CFCs to HFCs in things like fridges and spray deodorants. Either way, Australia is STILL the skin cancer capital of the world.

  3. You're right about one thing: We have plenty of other stuff to worry about besides 20 natural disasters waiting to happen. They'll happen when they happen, and there's no sense in click-baiting other than to increase your bottom line. Shame on you!

  4. I have dreams sometimes about asteroid impacts and honestly the noise is loud and light so bright I wake myself up, by clamping my hands over my ears, screwing my eyes shut and hunching over 😂 It’s nuts. The sound is so loud I can’t even hear it.

  5. That asteroid that passed between the moon and earth, was it really undetected until it was almost here!? I thought there were telescopes that let us know once an earthbound (or earth/moonbound) asteroid was as close to us as Jupiter? What are those enormous telescopes for then?

  6. They forgot one, cordycep Fungal infection of Humans. It’s the same pandemic that happened in the video game The Last of Us. In real life, it happens only in Insects. But if the world gets WARMER, and the cordyceps mutate/Evolve, they can infect humans.


  8. IF and WHEN the Yellowstone Super Volcano erupts, it has the ability to destroy, not only the North American continent, but much of Central America, portions of South America and if the amount of ash is exceptionally large, it could cause an ice age. Although it is unlikely to cause such a planetary catastrophe like an ice age, it remains a possibility

  9. Earth 🌎🌍 is dynamic. Change is inevitable.
    Man's activity's have negligible input.
    0 emissions – pipe dream.
    Long term "green" tec. generate just as much emissions as fossil and isn't as reliable. Only hydro &nuclear approach levels of reliability needed with as close as possible 0 emotions, barring drought,earth quake, volcanic. Untill tec. advances in source of power or material's development advances what is possible . …..
    Smoke and mirrors , sales pitches , pipe dreams , little reality.

  10. Metal heads love this kind of stuff.
    War movies where they drop the nukes marshall law and natural disaster movies are great to watch.
    We will all die due to some catastrophy whether it be killing ourselves off by nuclear war or disease or some freak of nature.
    Lets enjoy the superinflation and the comming economic crash.Viruses are always fun too! We are already killimg ourselves by eating processed food.Oh well!!!

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