Turkey Syria earthquake: death toll rising as ‘window of rescue’ closing

Turkey Syria earthquake: death toll rising as ‘window of rescue’ closing
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People are still being pulled alive from collapsed buildings, following the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. But they are now outnumbered by the dead.

The World Health Organisation is warning more people could die as a result of lack of food, water, medical supplies and shelter than were killed when buildings collapsed in Monday’s quakes.

The first United Nation lorries carrying aid via Turkey have finally managed to cross into northern Syria. In the UK, charities have banded together to raise funds for emergency relief.

We visited the town of Kirikhan in the South Eastern Hatay Province, where Turkey’s Health and Defence Ministers visited today.

Warning – this film contains distressing scenes.

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  1. Put your goverment inside the sack and throw it under the bottom of the bosporos for fish food, And replace goverment from hurrem sultan and sultan suleyman blood im sure they will take care of u.

  2. Кто же Турции разрешит стать экономически развитой страной? Почему Турция ждет наступления 2023 года.

    Во-первых, Турция будет праздновать столетний юбилей со дня отказа от султаната и образования Турецкой Республики.

    Во-вторых, президент Эрдоган планирует пересмотреть Лозаннский мирный договор 1923 года. И вот это уже интересно.

    Кратко про договор (wikipedia)

    Лозаннский мирный договор имеет срок действия – 100 лет и в 2023 году его придется пересмотреть. В частности Турция претендует на возвращение «своих» островов.

    также в 2023 году в Турции закончится столетний мораторий на добычу нефти и полезных ископаемых, а это уже может привести к огромному мгновенному скачку в экономике страны. В будущем году мы планируем довести объемы добычи нефти в сутки до 100 тыс. баррелей" – сказал Эрдоган.

    запасы нефтяного месторождения в районе горного хребта Габар провинции оцениваются в $250 млрд.

    Власти Турции ранее сообщали, что поставки газа с черноморских скважин потребителям планируется начать в марте 2023 года. Самым крупным месторождением газа в Черном море считается Сакарья, его запасы превышают 400 млрд .кубометров. На начальной стадии с этого месторождения планируется добывать примерно 10 млн кубометров газа в сутки, или от 3,4 до 4 млрд в год. К 2027-2028 годам ежедневный объем добычи газа должен составить 40 млн кубометров, ежегодные объемы вырастут до 15 млрд. кубометров. https://tass.ru/ekonomika/16568479

  3. My heart goes to all the victims of earthquake. Praying for God's comfort and supernatural provision. God is a merciful God. Let us trust the Lord. In Jesus name we pray. Amen🙏🙏

  4. Government intentionally did not send enough army to earthquake area for the first 48-72 hours.these monsters are cowardly afraid of a potential coup. Govenment preferred their seats against thousands of human life. AFAD the rescue organisation purely made the situation much worse. They were not professionals they didnt act on time. Many People died because of cold not because of earthquake. İf army which is the most organized and equipped organisation in Turkey was on the field we would not talk about this level of tragedy. Government has lots of bloods in their hands.

  5. French-fb
    ✨️✨️To all the people: Pray!!!  🎺🎺🎺To be written your Name in the book of life!!! I will shouted to all of you! Our ALMIGHTY FATHER the LORD JESUS CHRIST the HOLY SPIRIT is the truth! He is a powerful! And near to come.

    Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, Santificado sea Tu Nombre.
    Venga Tu reino. Hágase Tu voluntad así en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día. Perdona nuestras ofensas, así como también nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos del mal.
    Tuyos son el reino, el poder y la gloria por los siglos de los siglos, Amén

    #2. =That is mean THE LORD`s PRAYER: OUR FATHER, who art in heaven, hollowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead as not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. Amen.
    #3.Plus in your dialect:
    French: Nov. 12, 2012
    French: PRAY: THE LORD OF PARDON: Notre Père qui es aux cieux, que ton Nom soit sanctifié, que ton Reigne vienne, que ta Volonté soit faite sur la Terre comme au Ciel. Donnes-nous aujourd'hui notre pain quotidien,…
    Pardonnes-nous nos offenses comme nous pardonnons aussi, à ceux qui nous ont offensés,… Aides-nous soumet pas à la tentation, mais Délivres-nous du mal. AMEN.

     Pray fifteen times per day in one year. Saved and send to your friends to become Holy like you. And all our Sin must be paid for that prayer.
    #4.ACTS 10:45-47; Mat 16:19
    #5.I AM YE, THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (JN 16:13-15; JN 8:55; JN 10:30; Mat 23:9-12; ISAIAH 66:1-3). The light, the voice, the FATHER, THE KING LORD JESUS CHRIST is in one i saw and i talk to the Lord in his kingdom in heaven with in seven hours. I will invite you all to the wedding of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The prayer is the invitation for the wedding of the Lord. Even what kind of Religion you are in. Rev 19:7-9. We baptized to the Holy Spirit of the Lord for that prayer, and have Eternal life.
    That means "The Lord Prayer" in Latin word. Pray 15x/day in 1yr. or Pray 5,455 times u to Enter to the Kingdom of God in heaven. Soon.

  6. Turkey. Stop using The main christian church of St. Sophia as a mosque! stop hurting Christians feelings! And maybe you won’t have earthquakes! Maybe you will hear the message from God finally???

  7. Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, i am from Jamaica west indies, the spirit of God show me the vision of the Earthquake some weeks ago, the spirit of God didn't told me which country the Earthquake was going,i sent message some weeks ago to a YouTube preacher of the vision of the Earthquake, while texting this,i felt the anointing of God all over me.

  8. 02/16/2023 I told myself to be brave & watch as many videos of the disaster of the Quake in Turkey & Syria. I love watching Catastrophic & Disaster movies knowing they are just Movies but watching live reality videos like these is heartbreaking, heart wrenching & I've been crying watching each videos. I am from a Tropical Island called GUAM in the Pacific OCEAN. (We are between Hawaii & Philippines and Japan). We had a huge Earthquake in Aug. 1994 with a Richter Scale of 8.1!!! Someone said, "it felt like the end of the World!" Though we had some damages, not one person died. Yes, never give up on hope & don't tire out.
    This is a bible prophesy that Jesus Christ said about our future, from (Matthew 24:7)-"Nation will rise against nation(WARS) and kingdom against kingdom(UNREST in Governments), and there will be food shortages(Starvation) and EARTHQUAKES in one place after another."

  9. World is no longer save,wars cause by humans,natural disasters also sweeping half of humanity,rage anger starvation ECT also helping to vanquish humanity wow what is going on? Unless God intervains mankind end is near ,now l know why 🤔

  10. Most Devastating & Heart Breaking !
    With temperature below freezing & with fierce quakes leading to heavy death toll,I pray for consolation of the bereaved families & for the departed souls to RIP ! 🙏🏼✝️🌷and
    thanks for the update ! ❤️❤️

  11. What upsets me is some people can be trapped under the rubble
    can , hear what's going on but can't shout out
    school kids in Britain should be watching this
    Because they don't realise how lucky they are
    when they whinge that they can't play ROBLOX 🇬🇧
    Any decent parent out there will know exactly where I'm coming from

  12. Ужасно страшный катаклизм. Бедные люди , кто всё это видел своими глазами и кто попал под развалины . Мои соболезнования всем семьям , потерявшим родных и близких людей в такой страшной катастрофе . Все выжившие , соберитесь с последними силами , будьте сильными и терпеливыми пережить весь ужас . Крепитесь ! Весь мир с вами.

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