Incredible and devastating NATURAL DISASTERS caught on camera!

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Incredible and devastating NATURAL DISASTERS caught on camera!

Eruption, Sel, Landslide, collapse, Avalanche,Tsunami, Fire, Tornado, Blizzard, Grad, Drought, destruction, Explosions man made natural,natural disasters t he, what,
disaster, natural disaster, what are disasters, what is natural disasters, what are natural disasters disaster meaning earthquake man made disasters, types of disasters Damage, rain, hail, snow,nuclear strike, nuclear disaster, nuclear, MOTHER NATURE, Moments, Caught On Camera, tornado, natural disasters caught on camera, nature camera


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About the Author: Disaster On Camera


  1. you've included the king daddy of all natural disasters… the japanese earthquake and tsunami were intense… prayers are still with the japanese

  2. Ich finde so Videos immer Cool. Da zeigt uns die Muter Natur was für Macht die Menschheit hat. Nämlich gar keine. Jetzt bettet mal zur eure Götter, die scheißen euch was weil es keine Götter gibt ihr doofe Menschheit. Die Natur ist unserer Gott und sonst keiner. Wann wird ihr das kapieren.

  3. Lim Kim Choo menjadi salah satu lim kim siam tentang negara selamat hidup bye mati akhir tahun sambut mereka lagi kerap kali kita sendiri tanya. Sama bukan keluarga bahagia sama campuran tidaklah menjadi salah satu tipu ringgit ingati saya ya naga akhirnya hidup bye mati lim satu salah seorang manusia makhluk tukar cacat penglihatan mereka lagi.

  4. I tell myself, constantly, that I really miss big storms. Than I see your videos and think "I'm glad it's mostly calm where I live!" 🙂

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