Unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape. Snow in Japan

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Unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape. Snow in Japan
Bad weather can disrupt public transport and cause power outages. Drivers are asked to be careful on slippery roads.

They also urge caution in strong gusts of wind, high waves and avalanches.

Heavy snowfall across large swathes of Japan has killed 17 and injured more than 90 people and left hundreds of homes without power, disaster management officials said

Heavy winter fronts have brought heavy snowfall to northern regions since last week, causing hundreds of vehicles to stall on highways, delaying delivery services and causing 11 deaths. Heavy snow over the Christmas weekend brought the death toll to 17 and the number of injured to 93 by morning, according to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency. sliding off rooftops.

Municipal authorities in snow-affected regions have urged residents to be careful while clearing snow and not work alone.
The Disaster Management Agency said a woman in her 70s was found dead under a thick pile of snow on her roof that suddenly hit her in Nagai City, Yamagata Prefecture, about 300 kilometers north of Tokyo, where snow fell for more than than 80 centimeters.
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  2. A lot of pretenders, liars, imposters, and pretenders of Mahdiyya have appeared over time, and all of them are afflicted with the possession of devils, and there is no argument or proof, and they have no knowledge at all that they follow anything but conjecture, and conjecture does not avail anything of the truth, so the Awaited Mahdi will not be confused about it.

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