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About the Author: Admin


  1. During thye Spanish America War Navy Gobs use have pet Kangaroos aboard ship they called them smokers that is how the old navy tradition came to view they had smokers with boxers from other ships challenging the toughest sailor in the fleet it all came from Kangaroos. The bottom of their hoofs are razor bladed they casn open you up like a tin opener and even gut you while you stand

  2. It's not a boxing animal BTW, it doesn't punch, the long arms of the male kangaroo are evolved like that to grab around the neck of the other male opponent, and to then kick the opponent. They basically are more like muay thai fighters essentially. A large red kangaroo can seriously hurt you with a kick, especially if it also has a hold of you with it's arms. The animal doesn't really understand the concept of punching or punching the head however, what appear to be punches are actually it attempting to grab the person, around the back of their neck.

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