Top of Unbelievable video natural disasters caught on tape and camera. Hail Canada

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Top of Unbelievable video natural disasters caught on tape and camera. Hail Canada

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About the Author: Admin


  1. People of the world repent and turn away from sins. Seek Jesus Christ with all your hearts before it's too late. He's coming back to Earth. Jesus loves us so much. He died on the cross for our sins and shed his precious blood to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Read your Holy Bible and ask God for wisdom.

  2. Cristo viene pronto!!!!!
    Las señales cumpliendose dadas en mateo 24, isaias 24, ezequiel 7.
    La espada y la ira de Dios esta sobre las naciones por tanta maldad y tanto pecado. Hemos ignorado sus leyes y sus mandamientos. Lee hechos 3.19 proverbios 28.13
    Preparemonos, busquemos de Dios.

  3. 12 ноября 2022 на форуме "Глобальный кризис. Наше спасение в единении" будет озвучена правда о климате и пути решения.. Форум будет переводиться волонтерами на 150 языков и транслироваться в 180 странах. Подключайтесь, будьте вместе со всем миром.

  4. Eita Glória A DEUS irmãos aleluia graças Au todo poderoso DEUS porque isso aí tem que acontecer mesmo irmãos e não devemos murmurar ok irmãos mais sim agradecer a DEUS leia Apocalipse 16 17 18 prá vocês entender melhor o que DEUS está permitindo isso na terra leia também Apocalipse cap 9 vc 19 20 21 ok irmãos

  5. The Lord is coming back soon, are you ready for his return? Are you dead inside? Or are you alive in Christ? Does your soul belong to God? Have you repented and repented of your sins? Who do you want to serve during your short life? God, your idols or even yourself? Your riches or the Lord? Your passions or Christ? We are on this earth for a short time, and life is only a vapor (James 4:14), soon we will vanish and the flesh will turn to dust. What will you leave your children? Are you living a life that is holy? Because God commands: Be holy because I am Holy, (Lev 20: 7) and he also tells us that whoever is a friend of this world is an enemy of God (Jas 4: 4). Now is the time to believe in Jesus, now is the time to glorify God, to be the light of the world (Mt 5:14). Do not be ashamed of the Gospel of God, because it is only He, the King of kings and Lord of lords who gives eternal life, salvation to those who repent of their sins and believe in Him. Jesus is more than a prophet, He is God made man and left His life on the cross for us, so by grace and faith we can be saved. This is the greatest miracle God has given us, and it's good for you too. God loves you, but sin will not enter His Kingdom. Has the Blood of Jesus Christ washed you and cleansed you of your sins? Are you a son or daughter of the Living God? Confess the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved. BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL AND ABANDON YOUR SIN. THE JUDGE OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS RETURNING. DECIDE NOW TO SERVE THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Do not harden your heart, do not be insensitive to these words, but let yourself be saved by the Lord Jesus.

  6. يَاْعبّادِالُلُُه يَامٌسِلُمٌيَنَ اتْقًوَ الُلُُه فَيَنَا انَظٌرَوَ الُيَنَا بُّْعيَنَ الُرَحُمٌُه يَا نَاسِ يَاامٌةِ مٌحُمٌدِ صّارَتْ فَيَ قًلُوَبّكِمٌ لُارَحُمٌُه وَلُاشِفَقًُه وَلُا انَسِـانَيَُه انَـيَ كِـمٌ شِـكِيَـتْ وَكِـمٌ نَادِيَـتْ وَكِـمٌ نَاشِـدِ وَلُكِنَ لُاحُـيَاُه لُـمٌنَ تْـنَادِـيَ ُهـلُ يَرَضُيـكِـمٌ انَ اٌخـوَانَـيَ يَـبّـكِـوَنَ وَيَمٌوَتْوَنَ مٌنَ الُجْوَُُْع وَانَتْمٌ مٌوَجْوَدِوَنَ يَْعلُمٌ الُلُُه لُانَجْدِ احُتْا قًيَمٌتْ كِيَسِ دِقًيَقً ابّيَ مٌتْوَفَيَ وَاٌخوَنَيَ صّغًارَ ليس لنا أحد أقسم بالله العظيم أنهم ناموا أمس جوعانين وهم يبكون والدموع جفت من البكاء ياأهل الخير هل يرضيكم أننا من أمس لحد الآن بدون أكل ياأخوة الإسلام نحن أسره أيتام ونازحين ومشردين مستاجرين بيت واليوم صارت علينا متاخرات حق الاجار وما استطعنا ندفع وصاحب البيت يشتي يخرجنا اذا مادفعنا الاجار أرجووكم ساعدونا وفرحونا أرجوكم أوقفوا معنا والله العظيم
    أننا بأمس الحاجه أسألكم بالله ياأهل الخير الي عنده القدره على مساعدتنا لايتاخر علينا لحظه هاذا رقمي واتساب 00967717416404 الذي يقدر يساعدنا يراسلني على الواتساب نرسله الاسم الكامل يحولنا بقدر المستطاع عليه جزاك الله خير

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