Racist Karens Getting Instant Karma For 9 Minutes..

Racist Karens Getting Instant Karma For 9 Minutes..
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Racist Karens Getting Instant Karma For 9 Minutes..

In this video you will see Karen VS Judge freakout moments, Karen public freakout moments, court cam footage, karen videos and karen compilations!

Racist Karen Gets INSTANT KARMA after this..

When A Karen Goes To Prison.. (PART 2, UPDATE)

KAREN Doesn’t Trust POLICE After this…

Karen Pulls Gun At Airport after this..

When A Karen Goes To Prison..

Karen Attacks Judge Then Regrets it


When a Karen Goes to PRISON . . .

When a Karen Goes To PRISON !

Video inspired by – Illusive, Karma, Public Freakout Videos, Retail Nightmares, Rekt Videos, RYANcomedy.

#Karen #Court #Compilation


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About the Author: Illusive


  1. My mom once waited for a dinner delivery for over 2 hours. When the deluvery man finally arrived, she just assumed the the traffic was shit and tipped the dude for his effort. Privileged karen thought sitting on her ass for 25 minutes equals 1 free meal.

  2. At 5:11 I don't this that guy is a Karen he just seems confused to me and from what he said he ran out of gas and can't move his car so maybe he cut in line so his car didn't get stuck the middle of the line

  3. The couple who had to wait 25 minutes at McDonalds were totally justified in being comped for thier food, and if I had been the manager at that McDonalds, that dickhead server would have been fired on the spot!

  4. Not even condoning not paying your bill. BUT how was the first clip a Karen? Where were they acting entitled or outrages? Someone elaborate cause that shouldn’t have been in this short.

  5. you obviously don't know who Karen's are Karen's are not black people they're just somebody that just don't want to pay their bill Karen's are white people and it's not a racist thing look at where the originated from

  6. well the whole country is like this? Hey do another video on all the paternity frad since all those DNA tests just popped up in walmart wallgreens and CVS oh lord those are heartbreaking BTW i saw the statistics IN the US its like 30% are you KIDDING ME???

  7. For everyone complaining about the McDonald’s wait time. They got curbside. What did they expect? They have orders to do inside/drive thru too. You decided to wanted special attention so you wait you special minutes and suck it up.

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