Scientists Have Just Announced That There's A New Animal Species Taking Over At Chernobyl

Scientists Have Just Announced That There's A New Animal Species Taking Over At Chernobyl
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Scientists have just announced that there’s a new animal species taking over at Chernobyl. Today, we take a look at this new animal species living in Chernobyl.

The accident that occurred in 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in the Soviet Union, is known as the worst disaster in nuclear power generation. The disaster occurred when technicians at nuclear reactor Unit 4 attempted a poorly designed experiment. The technicians shut down the reactor’s power-regulating and its emergency safety systems. Additionally, they removed control rods from the reactor core while simultaneously allowing the reactor to perform at 7 per cent power.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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About the Author: Unexplained Mysteries


  1. I’m just a bit confused and this is the second time this has happened on this channel. Not one mention of a NEW species taking over and no video or pics of a strange looking animal like the title reads/shows. I’m I allowed to be disappointed or did I miss something? 🤔🙍‍♀️

  2. I really wasn't looking for a history lesson, I only watched this to see this new cryptid. Thanks for wasting my time yet again

  3. I read that the strange images are a result of a glitch…meaning that the video stopped for seconds/milliseconds resulting in these weird images. Don't worry

  4. There is a runaway reaction 30 meters below the concrete & steel sarcophagus at Cherynoble. Just like the 3 reactors melting into the Earth below Fukushima they can run into elements that can react with the meltdown & cause an explosion at any time. Until that reaction is shut down Russia is fighting over WORTHLESS LAND. They could be using all that war money to FIX the nuclear disaster!!! Why are all these pics showing the site before the sarcophagus was built? Why aren't they showing what it looks like now?

  5. The Dark Tourist episode where the tour guide takes like 20 people into a highly irradiated area near Chernobyl terrified me to my core.

  6. The worst nuclear accident was at Fukushima Daiichi. I don't desire to eat Pacific fish. Irradiated fish and ocean contamination will produce more radiation damage.

  7. Every nuclear reactor is leaking..they all have a 40 year life.. all are ticking bombs.. insanity..there is so much much much more ..Japan has 3 complete meltdowns, 4 one , has to be cool down with 400 tons of water ,or it will blowup.all of this pours into the Pacific ocean, everyday for 13 years ..let's talk about that …this one in Russia, true hero's stop it from a complete meltdown .. so as in Japan …but using uranium for anything except keep it where it lies. Is insanity Insanity Insanity Insanity insanity..WE AS A RACE MAY HAVE EXTERMINATED OURSELVES.

  8. Half a meltdown, Japan had 3, complete meltdowns, the 4 one .400 tons of water on it every day, all are still (burning) in the Pacific ocean everyday 14 years .. u don't hear shit about it it's a normal process.. using uranium to turn a turbine for steam to make electricity is belongs in the earth where they found it.. it's a handful of parasitic/ homicidal maniacs or (scientific) geniuses is what is said about them.. the very real scientist was Nikola Tesla, Walter and Leo Russell , and Schumacher ..( if) only the world wood have listen to them .. this world wood have been in Harmony with the invisible and visible..

  9. 3,000 to 20,000 years!! That is so sad and tragic! Before any new nuclear power plants are built, scientists should find a way to contain or mitigate this kind of contamination. This is just awful!

  10. I hope that the people who have returned there, are regularly tested for radiation exposure. I doubt they will change their minds, regardless, because they had to have known the dangers before reentering. Maybe they just don't believe it, because they see the plant and animal life seemingly thriving. My fear is, what they can't see. However, I do hope they live long, happy, healthy lives. This isn't something I want to be right about. There is no place like home, and many people do not do well with such drastic change.
    It's a shame if there hasn't been a legitimate investigation of what happened, before, during and after the catastrophe. This really needs to be done by people who are not from Russia, and who are free to research and report their findings. No one learns from errors, if no one admits that errors were made.

  11. I personally know of a family of Engineers a mechanical engineer and one electronic engineer ,who came to Australia after the Chernobyl accident and I was absolutely appalled. The gentleman when wife was pregnant when the

    incident happened gave birth to a child, with some abnormalities. They were extremely lucky. I hired the gentlemen to my former business with Dupont. I have always been interested in nuclear power , as my professor at University had set up the first nuclear power plant in England he was a nuclear chemist. I studied nuclear Chemistry and became an officer of nuclear saftey in Melbourne Australia. That was when l was at University.

  12. I recently watched the HBO 5-part miniseries "Chernobyl". It was excellent! The show could have been re-titled "Cover-Up", because that's all the Soviet Union did. Lol. They downplayed everything. They covered up anything they could. It was this whole "everything is fine" mentality. It was an absolute disgrace and thanks to their actions (and inactions) sooooo many more people ended up gravely ill or dead.

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