Mega Disasters: Catastrophic Deep Sea Explosion (S2, E6) | Full Episode

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A controversial scientific theory states that gigantic eruptions of methane gas from deep in the ocean have occurred regularly throughout history. Find out more in Season 2, Episode 6, “Methane Explosion.”


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  1. I'm sorry, Professor Ryskin… Still not believed! Even though it makes sense and has happened in known history on a smaller scale. I think he's spot on about no one listening due to pride..

  2. some things don't make sense…

    how exactly is all the methane in the ocean going to simultaneously erupt at the same time? I can understand maybe an earthquake or meteor shakes the water up to release some of the trapped methane in a short time period, but that is still going to be a local effect rather than a plantwide one. Also, how would tsunamis be responsible for something like the great dying? Pangea had a lot of inland areas far from the coast where even the highest tsunamis couldn't have reached them.

  3. Some will escape extinction?

    Answer… nope. Everyone dies. Period. End of story.


    Well, duh… the many, many, many hundreds and hundreds of nuclear reactors and spent fuel pools would be in simultaneous meltdown as their cooling systems fail.

    Radiation will sterilize the planet dead, pole to pole. And that is that.

  4. There are so many things wrong with this theory.


    1) The weather would push the gas around too much to allow for proper fuel/air mixture to cause explosion.
    2) I can't imagine that the storms in the area, supposing there is a good mixture, wouldn't have set off what little amount of gas comparatively was accumulated in the area. Even volcanoes create "lightning".
    3) before the explosion could kill everything, I'd assume that the methane gas alone would kill everyone.
    4) methane is lighter than air, so it would take immense amounts of concentrated methane to cause an explosion as well as displace enough breathable air to cause possible suffocation.

  5. Yes, you are correct in stating 36” gas lines are ordinary. Not in the sense of residential construction, but interstate connectivity, yes. I’ve worked on these for decades laying new pipe, it’s the old lines that should be gravely looked upon!! Anyones guess as to when these ancient relics will start to capitulate their underground “highways”, to the forces of weather and time. When that happens, BOOM 💥!! And, it won’t be a minor event..

  6. Methane is 60X more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. If the amount of methane shown in this video came out , global temps would soar and make a global firestorm inevitable.

  7. The Arctic Ocean has a very shallow continental shelf off the coast of Siberia that is the size of California. It has more methane than all the fossil fuels in the rest of the world combined. It is all frozen into the permafrost at the sea bottom and on land. The permafrost is now melting and releasing its methane. The gas is 60X more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. When it all comes out, World temperatures will be 60 degrees hotter. Nobody will survive this. It has already started and is unstoppable. As the Methane comes out, temperature goes up and more permafrost melts , releasing more Methane, making it hotter ect… like a self reinforcing feedback loop. This is why it’s called the “Arctic Methane Bomb”. It now looks like we will all be dead by about 2040. Cheers.

  8. Methane naturally in the earth causes explosions that could devastate the planet.
    Cows in Argentina must be slaughtered because of their methane gas….

    Quick, we need Greta's opinion on how to handle this growing situation.

  9. I always wondered what would happen if an asteroid hit a planet with an atmosphere made of mostly methane. Kaboom. I guess that means planets with methane havent been hit by asteroid in a long time or there wouldnt be a build up of methane. Cool video.

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