Maggot Cat Rescue | Animal Rescue, India

Maggot Cat Rescue | Animal Rescue, India
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There’s still some fight left in Tarzan, but he needs your help!

Tarzan is a spunky tom cat who was brought to RESQ with a deep and maggot infested wound near his neck. Fear turned him aggressive and he wouldn’t let anyone touch him. His initial wound cleaning had to be done under sedation. We removed scores of maggots and cleaned, dressed and bandaged the wound while he was under anesthesia.

He is recovering slowly but surely at the RESQ Centre. You can sponsor Tarzan’s treatment here and help him get back to fighting shape!


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  1. どうしてこんなことに?人間のすること???こういう国から、動物を出しましょう。貪欲保身悪魔が多すぎます。ANIMALレスキュー隊さん、ありがとうございます。

  2. Por Dios como pueden esos bichos comer sen a estos perritos.! Que terrible Dios mio.! Gracias por ayudarlo, Dios los bendiga. ♥️😔🙏

  3. Dammit. It's so aggravating that NO ONE will freaking record the ENTIRE maggot removal process in these cases. Like this damn video… why the hell wouldn't you record AND UPLOAD THE FULL TREATMENT?!?! THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO FIND IT VERY INTERESTING AND SATISFYING TO WATCH…. YET Y'ALL WON'T RECORD IT AND GIVE US THE OPTION TO WATCH OR NOT.

  4. These poor stray dogs and cats should be euthanised because you will not be able to find them a home. You are either doing this to try to make yourself feel that you are doing something good for them but they will still suffer on the street or else you are using their suffering to raise money for yourself.

  5. Thank you for all you do. Thanking you for the giving of your time, monies and love to help any animal have a chance at a second life. A better life. Caring for these sweet and lovely animals until the right person comes through to adopt a beautiful creature. God's heart is joyful when he sees the love that you have. God bless us all. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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