Climate Change, Chaos, and The Little Ice Age – Crash Course World History 206

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In which John Green teaches you about the Little Ice Age. The Little Ice Age was a period of global cooling that occurred from the 13th to the 19th centuries. This cooling was likely caused by a number of factors, including unusual solar activity and volcanic eruptions. The Little Ice Age greatly impacted human social orders, especially during the 17th century. When the climate changed, and the weather became unpredictable, the world changed profoundly. Poor harvests led to hunger, which led to even less productivity, which even resulted in violent upheaval in a lot of places. All this from a little change in the temperature? Definitely.

Global Crisis by Geoffrey Parker:

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  1. He never explained the Roman warm period or medieval warm period or why the Earth warmed after the little ice age! It doesn't fit the narrative of man made global warming! Snow records broken across the Northern hemisphere this spring and Arctic ice at the 80s mean! Do a video on that?!!

  2. 6:34 I always find it ironic when people have stickers like John Green's "this machine kills facists" or similar ones on their computers since some computers, like Apple, outsource alot of the manufacturing to China, one of the most authoritarian states in the world. Apple and some other tech companies bow to Chinese demands all the times to keep cheap manufacturing in China and maintain a good business relationship so they can continue to sell their products there, so to see an anti-facist sticker like that on an Apple computer is a bit funny. It's not really practical to bring all those manufacuring jobs over to the US, our labor rates are too high and often too inefficient for cheaper consumer grade stuff like that (although we are very competitive on larger manufacturing for things like planes, pharmaceuticals, and similar complicated items), but we could do more business with similar cheap manufacturers like India and Taiwan who are both more free countries who do well at tech manufacturing.

  3. 3:10 i hate Shakespeare (no so much because i think he;s a bad writer, more because of how many lazy writers, movie/tv producers, and similar proffesions tend to steal/remake his works over and over and over, and because of how teachers are so obsessed with his works) so i might be ok with him never being a writer/playwright

  4. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Frame 1:18 What is the two guys doing in and around the barn. One guy is fondling the woman and the other guy is relieving himself on the right side of the barn. Hey! youse two guys better stop that.

  5. There's an interesting theory that increases in volcanic activity may be indirectly caused by decreases in solar activity, hence causing cooling.

    Basically when solar activity decreases, the Sun's magnetosphere (which extends~250 AU beyond the Sun) weakens.

    This in tern allows large amount of Cosmic rays to enter out solar system.

    These cosmic rays are extremely energetic and can pierce several miles below the Earth's surface, and are mostly absorbed by the liquid or semi-solid silicon below the Earth's surface.

    This heats up the silicon, hence increasing convection currents and hence increasing volcanic and tectonic activity.

    NASA, Harvard, along with numerous other institutes have found and acknowledged this negative correlation between Solar activity and volcanic activity (especially silicon rich volcanic activity).

  6. this is smallest ice age the big ice age in front door soo before you loced in houses and be canibals its speeding up before youre food end

  7. Your delivery is too cutesy. It sucks and makes you look like a dweeb. Oh, and BTW, some of your "facts" are fiction or flawed.

  8. sir with my research and the 425+ active volcanos in the pacific ring of fire along with n inordinate amount of water in the liquid form and the pressure it is exerting upon the oceanic plates under said pacific ocean…sure a volcanic winter look harmless on paper but i assure you in the coming one it will not be something you can just change the channel on ..don't know if the silence of the scientific community is government related or just out of their ignorance ( look at their track record )…but i can assure you that it is coming….think, people.

  9. We entering Grand Solar minimum…. climate change "That"….
    Grand solar….its gona get cold and colder in several years we gona go hungry….becuz of climate change , no not from CAR MUFFLERS but bye PYSCO paths who control everything …control the weather and use technology are screwing up climate…not us…….burr bye mr know it All

  10. I live in Michigan and I am looking at eight inches of snow which was dumped on us yesterday. This set a record here because we're six weeks early for this kind of weather where I live. What happened to global warming? Since the Earth has been cooling every year in the last five or ten years the term global warming doesn't fit that narrative. Now it's called climate change. Notice that even after this bloggers video started by saying that the warm spells and cold spells our planet has cycled through for as long as we've been on the Earth is normal. Notice he's careful to say that THIS cold spell that is beginning now is our fault. Stop being brainwashed! The Sun is now in a phase where there is low sun spot activity. This has happened for millions of years. There's years of high sun spot activity which makes our planet warmer until the sun cycles into low sun spot activity that cools our plant down. This is where we are now. It's normal and not the fault of humans living on the planet now. Global warming and or climate change is part of the elites agenda. They want to tax all the oil products we use to line their own pockets, using the excuse that the state of the climate is our fault. This makes the tax hike more palatable for people who have been spoon fed this global warming BS for the past twenty years or more. Look at France right now. Their President is very progressive and began taxing the people on their energy use including gasoline prices. The tax on gas in France is so high regular people can't afford to drive themselves to work along with heating their homes. The French people have been demonstrating for months since the taxes were implemented. It's been kept quiet in our USA news because their goal is for all people pay these ridiculous taxes. The demonstrations have continued to this day in France. Don't believe me search Yellow Vest demonstrations in France.

  11. The First Crusade (1096–1099) started as a widespread pilgrimage (France and Germany) and ended as a military expedition by Roman Catholic Europe to regain the Holy Lands taken in the Muslim conquests of the Levant (632–661), ultimately resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099.The knights in the first crusade were called knights of Solomon. Taking Jerusalem  was 1 thing but its what the knights found buried under the second Temple that was taken to Rome that started the little ice age. All roads lead to Rome.

  12. "Climate is not weather." "Humans are less violent than in the past." There are just a lot more of us to worry, and a global 24/7 news cycle. So it just seems worse. But I still want a bulletproof umbrella.

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