Our Friends are F*!@ing Awesome

Our Friends are F*!@ing Awesome
Spread The Viralist

This is what we’re about, this is why we do what we do. Like coffee, life is at its absolute best when it’s shared with those you love.

Every year we put on these Veteran Adaptive Athlete Shoots (VAAS), and there’s nothing quite like it. We take military veterans who have been physically altered by war, we get them outside, we sling some arrows, and we have a blast in the American wilderness. We’re already looking forward to the next one.

Read about the event on FREE RANGE AMERICAN here: https://freerangeamerican.us/black-rifle-coffee-vaas/

Or check it out on our blog here: https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/blogs/black-rifle-coffee-blog/brcc-hosts-3rd-annual-veteran-adaptive-athlete-shoot-in-texas

Keep up with our charitable endeavors here: https://www.instagram.com/brccfund/

Learn more about why Black Rifle Coffee Company is America’s Coffee: http://brcc.coffee/2rgH6vu

Follow us on social media:
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/blackriflecoffee
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/blackriflecoffeeco
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blckriflecoffee

Did you know that we are on Amazon?


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About the Author: Black Rifle Coffee Company


  1. Ya ,know…. I'm not a vet but I have ptsd stemming from government based bullshit and I wish that I would be accepted into something like this .

  2. Just had 3 cans of vanilla moca and to be completely honest iv been cleaning my apartment for the past 2 hours and I think I can split all the cells if I continue

  3. As a Wounded Warrior amputee, retiree and part-time PTSD counselor I’m so hopeful when I see people like you guys doing things like this. I see groups of “us” feeling so forgotten every week. I can’t wait for Black Rifle to open a location here in Phoenix and it would be so great if it brought events like this here to Arizona. Thank you Evan & Matt and the rest of BRCC crew, you really are patriots and brothers-in-arms.

  4. You've got to give these guys the recognition that they deserve, everything they do for their brother's and sister's is done because they wanted to do it ! Not cos someone told them to ! They're the kind of people that I would want to be around when the shit really hits the fan. Thank you all for the service you have given and continue to do so.

  5. I would like to thank all veterans who served especially those who were wounded and gave their lives on the battlefield. as a future veteran I would like to thank you.

  6. It’s a small detail but I think it’s an important one. In the video when Evan, Mat, and Logan are introduced it credits their respective services and their veteran stays instead of their titles within BRCC. I think that really goes to show that these are normal guys that experience (or have experienced) the same things the rest of the veteran community does in their own day to day lives. That’s why BRCC has been so wildly successful so quickly…because it’s real people making good coffee for America’s greatest heroes and like the one gentleman said, these guys are the real deal and they live it every day. I’ll proudly continue supporting this company and the community it has created 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. I scrubbed through all the links and didn't find any way to participate in future events. Event invite only? Would have joined if I knew about it.

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