These NEW CARDS Are AWESOME! Let’s Rate Every NEW CARD Coming To Marvel SNAP In May’s Exiles Season!

These NEW CARDS Are AWESOME! Let's Rate Every NEW CARD Coming To Marvel SNAP In May's Exiles Season!
Spread The Viralist

I cover the five cards that are expected to release in May in Marvel SNAP. First, the season pass card, Blink. Then, in the Spotlight Caches: Nocturne, Sasquatch, Namora and Sage! I’m particularly high on Nocturne and Sasquatch!

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  1. I wonder if Namora makes it into Phoenix deck: Revive on 4, play Namora on 5 and THEN move Phoenix to either double the 5 power or create another MM copy, loose synergy with Venom?

  2. I like the idea of playing blink off of electro and doing wasp then dropping Odin onto blink. As far as a specific 6 drop I like the idea of spectrum onto a Wong, switch out your surfer or ironheart after it triggers then drop spectrum in its place.

  3. my favorite rank 69 snapper: "I think sage counts herself too, there's nothing in the wording that would suggest otherwise"
    sage: "among all OTHER cards"

  4. the only reason i might pick up nocturne is that ive noticed a lot of strong decks are really going to 7 turn matches and really dependent on that 7th turn and location control cards are not really easy to fit into most decks especially decks that have a lot of move focused synergy. nocturne is really well stat-ed anti magik tech and she wont be a game winner on her own but feel great to pull off also she cant be countered.

  5. Nocturne adds to the cards that can be used to block space against junk decks and prevent lanes being filled. We always underestimate how good location control is too, it's really good. I agree on Nocturne, Sasquatch and Blink being the good Cards to get.
    I don't see Nocturne becoming as ubiquitous as Jeff because part of his selling point is getting into Prof X lanes and being two cost, where 3 cost often competes more with cards a deck wants to play proactively to pursue its own plan.

  6. I know you don’t love doing the data mine vids but I think it’s just enjoyable hearing your takes an analysis on stuff, and this is another excuse to do so. Keep up the good work man

  7. Yeah Blink seems crazy good for combo decks. Besides tribunal, decks decks that only run 1 or 2 big finishers also probably profit. Annihilus in a sentry deck, spectrum in a small ball ongoing deck. Im also keen to try her in phoenix force as a way to swap a deathlok out for a pheonix or a nimrod.

  8. I'm definitely going to be playing around with sage in negative. Even if she doesn't end up being great there, I just know a zola'd sage will win me at least one game and that's all I need

  9. I know this is ideal hand situation.
    But . Bast + White widow + Sage is pretty strong early -3 from bast so that when you play it turn 3. it gets power from the bast the widow and the kiss and herself that's 11 I think turn 3. And that's not inc opponents cards

  10. Namora is NOT going to be the weakest of the batch.

    Armor in 1 lane
    Colossus in another
    Then Wong, Namora on Wong, and Odin on top of Namora will make Colossus and Armor over 30 power each and immune to Shang.

    I know it's cope, but I feel like she'll be better than you think.

  11. I have many thoughts on these cards and will be yapping about them in this comment.

    I think you are correct about Nocturne.

    If the card Arishem that’s been datamined, if it changes to have a substantial body is going to love Blink a lot. Blink is very cool and I like her. I want to play her with White Tiger.

    I know I am incorrect about this idea, but I cannot get Sage/Grandmaster out of my head. Surely that can’t be good right? Right?

    Playing like, Maximus, Gladiator left and right, then Ms Marvel, then Namora, then Doctor Doom sounds like a thing you could do.

    Hey watch this funny trick: Hood on 1, Mysterio on 2 into Sasquatch on 3, Cull on 4, and Sentry on 5. Presto, my final turn is now 0 cost Skaar, 1 cost Mockingbird, and 5 cost Annihilus. I am currently inside your walls.

  12. I know I'm coping harder than anyone has ever coped before, but I'm putting Sasquatch into a Kazar Blarvel Black Swan zoo deck on day 1

  13. Technically Shaw would be 11 power with Namora. With another high stat card on 4, that could be pretty interesting. I doubt we'll see it go anywhere but there is some potental.

  14. Not sure how good it is, but maybe Sage can work with the Thor, Beta, Jane, into hitmonkey, Sage and both hammers on 6 seems like a lot of potential sneaky power

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