David Ditchfield's Near Death Experience NDE

David Ditchfield's Near Death Experience NDE
Spread The Viralist

Silvia Isachsen interviews David Ditchfield about his Near Death Experience – NDE. You can find David’s new book Shine On in the links below.🌺 Subscribe to Silvia’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3iTh_tJsrpgmsqkxGTNKAg/?sub_confirmation=1

👉🏼David’s New Book: https://www.shineonthestory.com

👉🏼Silvia’s New Book: https://www.amazon.com/Downloads-Heaven-Compilation-Transformative-Messages-ebook/dp/B08BN4GZ61/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=downloads+From+heaven&qid=1595798679&sr=8-2

👉🏼David’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxky3o_fXUwHfoVS7jwhQ1Q

👉🏼Follow Silvia on IG: https://www.instagram.com/silviaisachsen

#nde #neardeathexperience #davidditchfield


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About the Author: Silvia Isachsen


  1. a. There is interesting; near-death experiences, meeting.. Christ, that "He has blue eyes." The House of David, in Hebrew ancillary, is said to have a pale blue eye color trait, and a Semitic nose: the Virgin Mary is of the dividic line.

    Without getting into it; but the more than small fact that in the, double blind questionnaire and database, Near-Death Experience Research Foundation there are panoramic life reviews and all with a gentle Christ. A search there "blue eyes" (in quotation marks), yields '82 results.'

    b. Which of your video interviews could mention this, please?

  2. Loved the part where David knew he had to paint before realizing that he lacked the actual ability. A wonderful story on so many levels. Terrific interview. ☺️💫

  3. Amazing account, I've always felt like I'm channelling energy when I paint and make music. Its a beautiful state of mind to be in, akin to meditation. Thank you again for bringing us another great interview Silvia. You are soooo lovely xx

  4. wow i still did not love myself or have self worth when i came back,,,,,,cuz of abuse here,,ty for this,,,,,,i will try to have self worth and ,,,,,,,,,love

  5. when i went through the tunnel into God and his light,,,,,,and when i talked to Him,,,,I realized I had been there before earth,,,,,,,I had talked to Him before,,,,,,,like we had had conversation before,

  6. This is so amazing. Davids a neat bloke. Thank you 🙏. Silvia you have made it through your life with all your light undimmed 😇. Amazing

  7. I’ve been on a self-love journey for a long time, since someone gave me Louise Hay’s book “You Can Heal Your Life.” I’m chipping away at it in a forward-moving journey with setbacks at times, ebbing and flowing. I will get David’s book. I need this information.

  8. I love how genuine he is. I think because he expressed his NDE through art when he came back. He had to tell people what he saw and he did it through painting and music. That's truly amazing and you can see how it changed his life. I love this so much! Thank you so much for sharing this.! 🙏❤

  9. Wow,,, That was so enjoyable ! Very uplifting on many levels ! TY so much !!!! I wish his website would have been given, but I am sure I can find it , I would love to see his paintings and hear his music ! TY so much guy's !l!! Rock on !!! 😜👍💕

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