This dangerous lake in Cameroon, Africa could turn you into a human Diet Coke and Mentos experiment! Lake Nyos, located over a volcanic crater, releases deadly level of carbon dioxide. What is a limnic eruption and how could Lake Nyos cause one? Find out why Lake Nyos should not be your next vacation spot.
Transcript and sources: https://whatifshow.com/what-if-you-fell-into-lake-nyos/
00:00 Lake Nyos
01:02 Carbon dioxide
01:30 Limnic eruption
01:59 Falling in
02:36 Gas cloud
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#WhatIf #LimnicEruption #LakeNyos
What if a white hole entered the solar system? Im genuinely curious to see what kind of destruction it could wreak, well as accurately as possible anyway haha would be a bit mad if one did just appear and shove us around or obliterate us altogether 🙂
u r really butchering that name tho 💔💔💔💔
Now i want to skip rocks on it
what if you dived in lake Bogoria would love to see this documentation
the lake has hot springs
What if a ceiling fan fell on us?
I have a what if question. what if everyone on Earth had autism?
What if the zombie apocalypse really happened
Lakes such as Kivu are scary, yet fascinating. I wouldn't be surprised if other such lakes exist around the world.
What if all of these what if videos happened at the same time?
What if my ex never left me
I heard Neos and I was like Elemental hero Neos!
1:39 what’s this movie called??
I thought it was nyos (ny-ohs
"One of the most dangerous lakes on the planet." I'm gonna want to hear about those other lakes.
What if you love someone love you back!
I’m calling it The Lake of Death ahaha AHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Bro change the first look
Make a video of what if we could fly plz
What if the core spun 20 times faster (not the whole earth just the core)
Do you not realize some of this is not real there was not a big ban it was God created the universe
Shazam 2:24
What happen if earth rotate north to south. Plz make this video
Please make a video on.. "What if the famous YouTube channel named 'what if' stopped posting videos forever "
"suicide bomber"
we dont now your real name what if uncle can you say your real name please
What if every star in our solar system burnt out. Would be nice to know
What if Earth's ocean were made of superfluid?
Who make the lake?
What if this comment is pinned?
I am watching from Cameroon🥲
what if india never got independence
Idk? What happened
Idea for next video-WHAT IF you went to Antarctica for 2 days?
Video idea: What if every natural disaster happened at once?
Feels good to be watching this from the North West region of Cameroon.
What if a super seismic event happen one day and both North and South America find themselves next to Europe and Africa?
Vừa vào đã nổi cả da gà 藍giọng a Phúc hayyy quá, mong sẽ tiếp tục cover ạ ❤️
1 word. Just one. Oof
Man This Channel Teaches me More than My Computer My School and My Teacher I think This is My Dictionary Channel For Notes on my Hard History Tests In The Future Man I love this Channel since I was 2nd Grade now I'm 4th Grade this year I'm turning 5th Grade
Send Putin and his Kremlin thugs there for a pool party.