Signs of the Pole Shift | Magnetic Field, Lightning, People

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Signs of the earth’s magnetic reversal, solar system shift, and galactic magnetic reversal are all everywhere. Here, we discuss recent updates on lightning and the effect on human mental stability.

Note: In Chapter 6 of Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun there is an abundant list of solar-health connections from scientific journals – they include both physiological and psychological effects, and ALL are being amplified as earth’s magnetic field weakens!

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  1. So am I Right in that This is a Negitive Earth Charge .. So We can Use this to Space Travel ? .. Eg point to a Positive point and blip Where there ??.

  2. Love your videos- thank you for the amazing work you share with us. “Eyes open, no fear and be safe everyone” helps me temper my anxiety. ❤️

  3. On the fucking money! Back in the day, we’d say, “surgical”

    No fear, huh? Mother Earth decides to tase us, or maybe more like zap us, the nuisance that we are, and I’m supposed to square up to her?
    Imma go find a lamb to offer her..
    ♥️✌️& 🍄

  4. fear porn bro what the hell do you think you can do to stop it or survive it if it was really going to happen? NOTHING right so stop scaring the weak minded and just live your life to the fullest because if something catastrophic was going to happen we problem have no chance of surviving it!!!

  5. Pole Shift happens on a cycle, the Mayan calendar was correct. True pole shift will be the end of 98% of all life. Its another Biblical Noah's flood. All that man has destroyed gets wiped clean and a fresh start….

  6. Now it makes sense why settings places around the world like statues in Egypt that are burnt and in Iran where there a hundreds of lighting strike cones

  7. Since so many here seem to be saying they like The Canadian Prepper channel…. Let me agree but with a warning… – He uses alot of fear to gain views. Just look at his video titles. Add that in with him constantly putting out a fear state by saying its coming in 48hrs!! — Grain of Salt folks. I haven't seen anything bad other than that, but folks that sell with fear shouldn't be wholly trusted. You can tell the scary truth without promoting fear, but he doesn't seem capable.

  8. Logical Fallacy, missing the point. The earth goes through cycles of speeding up and slowing down, a simple google search will show, yea the earth speed up in 2020, and now it's slowed back down to it's normal speed. The poles are not going to flip, there was a shift in magnetic pole location in the north, because the ice melted which changed density and thus position. A simple google search can show you that this has stopped as well. Do not listen to people like this who come up with emotional ideas that are not supported by facts. We are MUCH more likely to get hit my a massive CME that will take out the grid and kill 90% of people by starvation….. but a pole flip and the earth going too fast, come on people. There's real doomsday things out there that are supported by science if you want to have justification for prepping.

  9. Ben, it's clear to see the burden of the weight you carry in your eyes. We can see it and thanks to you we will understand what is happening when it happens. You stay safe and know that the people you are helping know you're helping. Thank YOU!

  10. I thought I was the only one that noticed that I thought maybe i was going crazy but people are going nuts it's not just people you've never met before it's also people you've known for years and they're totally sane and then bam light switch happens and they act nuts but why doesn't it affect everybody cuz some people are fine and others are oh my God

  11. The Bible predicts that the planet will go through "birth pains" that get faster and more intense and that people will act in an increasingly deranged manner.
    But its not all bad news. The King is coming back <3

  12. How do I try to introduce this to my wife? She is a skeptic and is hard to reach. I have these vids on all the time and I know she hears them. Just don't know how to open the door. It's not about me living or even her. It's about our kids…

  13. It’s biblical.

    The Coming of the Son of Man

    25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

  14. I've been trying to tell people this! They think I'm crazy, but when the proof is in the pudding, they don't see it, I feel it! I can't wrap my head around when it's this obvious, they still say…It's always been like this!
    🤔hmm? NO!

  15. Thank you Ben for all your hard work over the years I've learned so much watching your videos and others as well and drawing the correlations connecting the dogs so to speak I've been trying to spread word of your channel to others and I will keep up doing so. I'm ready for the next change to the Earth as I believe we will be crossing the fourth dimension and into the 5th see Naughty Beaver channel here on YouTube. He comes off as a bit crazy but isn't that the world that we live in currently. I believe he ties it all together in a fun and entertaining way. I'll see you on the flip side Ben. And don't forget nothing is as it seems, for merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream.

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