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About the Author: YouTube Movies


  1. So Generous, so kind to all people, all religions, all races, what a class act, Frankie blue eyes. He truly did do it his way.

  2. The dreaded 3 second per scene video where the makers of this video think our attention span doesn't extend further than 3 seconds. How insulting.

  3. I lived there 5 years 92 to 97 I worked at Lord Fletcher's Mr Fletcher's idea Michaels baby now. I can't think of a better family owed father and son restaurant. Castellis is great in Palm Desert but they are brothers I also worked for Mel Haber in 94 but Frank came in 3 times that season 2 times with Barbra in Lord Fletcher's I remember being a couple feet away from him while picking up food and the only person not glancing at him in the bar dining area was Frank himself ….there was one man that flipped out when he saw Frank and Michael moved quick to intervene but Frank said Michael I've got this one it was a man desperate to break into show business and frank was so compassionate and patient to send him in the right direction. Frank appeared to be very comfortable very much at home there with his wife friends and the Fletcher's close by its a very comfortable cozy place to dine in Rancho Mirage….but my point was i just learned this recently but the original movie studios contracts were on specific stars and the stars had to be loyal to the studios and available too so there was a clause in all contracts you had to be within 100 miles of the studios and Palm Springs was a few miles shy of that so the Coachella Valley became their playground.7

  4. It appears Frank was a hugely nice guy if you did business with him, and did what he wanted. I can't imagine not doing that since he'd make you money. He also apparently helped a lot of people he didn't know very well, and did a lot of positive things in Palm Springs. I personally stay away from his personality type and stature. I guess that's why I make whatever I make out of life, but the big time-or the appearance of hitting the big time eludes me. Life is subjective, and hopefully we don't suffer too much on our visit, and maybe even pay forward.

  5. It had to have been pre-arranged by someone way above my pay grade:In May 1998,my friend and I,two guys from Frank's home county in NJ,went to So.Calif for a week.
    We went to Palm Springs that Sunday and paid a one day visit to Las Vegas on Thursday,walking the Strip that night.
    The next morning,I put on the tv and was stunned.I went to the motel's door and looked out on "New York,New York" and thought that this news was going to be spreaded with alacrity.
    Neither I nor my friend had ever been to either of those places and have not been back since.

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