US & Russia send mercenaries to fight? Ukraine reports foreign fighters in Kyiv | English News

US & Russia send mercenaries to fight? Ukraine reports foreign fighters in Kyiv | English News
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Has US & Russia sent mercenaries to fight? The US says Russia is using Syrian fighters whereas, Russia says the US is hiring terrorists as Ukraine reports foreign fighters in Kyiv.

#US #Russia #Ukraine

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  1. Well I sure hope those Syria troops say their final goodbyes Syria troops are walking into Putin‘s slaughterhouse and Putin is using Ukraine to do it

  2. Any Chechen who would fight for Putin is a traitor. He totally trashed their country. They will get the death they deserve in Ukraine.

  3. The United States Government DID NOT Send troops to Ukraine. Those U.S. Troops are Veterans, Volunteering Thier Services. There are other Veterans there as well, that are from other countries.

  4. USA certainly wants this war to continue, when there is blood on the streets, make money, Joe Biden's administration's thinking.

  5. Ukraine has no mercenaries, they are simply volunteers who see Ukraine they are there for no pay at all, just food and shelter and to fight for Ukraine's freedom. The Russians are the ones recruiting Syrians and Chechens

  6. Everything that has happened for years was literally just choice. They chose not to arrest and jail real criminals, they chose to lockdown the economy, they chose to inflate the dollar, they chose to persecute people that didn't want to get vaccinated, they chose to shut entire countries out of the market system, they chose to hate Russians, they chose to support the war with death machines after Russia invaded Ukraine. They chose higher oil prices, everything that happened on every side on every issue has been deliberate.

  7. I hope these people going over there know what they are getting themselves into, if they are seen as mercenaries and they get caught? It usually doesn't end well for them….

  8. Ukraine invites other countries citizens so does Russia . If Ukraine and other countries can do this other will also do this …

  9. If the government and the people of a country ask for help to other countries within this country like the case of Ukraine you know that’s not mercenary fighter. It’s military mission to support that country. 😳

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