15 Craziest Fights in the Animal Kingdom

15 Craziest Fights in the Animal Kingdom
Spread The Viralist

Fangs! Claws! Deadly venom! Strangulation! Nature is pretty violent, and sometimes two species just say ok, that’s enough, let’s duke this out…again and again. And a lot of the time millions of years of evolution has left these angry creatures pretty well-matched. From an eagle taking on the fastest animal on Earth, to a lion trading blows with a huge elephant, here’s the 15 Craziest Fights in the Animal Kingdom!

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About the Author: Admin


  1. Hey everyone! First off, apologies for confusing a Leopard with a Cheetah. We are aware that our editors/writers made a small mistake here. Regardless, thank you for enjoying the video and the consistent support!

  2. Is there like copywrite issues you have to deal with if you show the actual better clips of the specific fight? Or ya can't get the footage¿ cuz not knowing that answer is why I have beat slender man up down under ma bed.

  3. Actually bees aren’t supposed to die from one sting. They die stinging sometimes because the stinger and guts are pulled out of the bee. If a bee stings and is allowed to release itself, it can unscrew the stinger from the skin safely and fly away with another day in life.

  4. I don’t think it’s confusion. It’s just trying to gain views, subscriptions and popularity. I’m glad there are people out there to call out your bullshit.

  5. You show pictures of leopards and say they are cheetahs. Then say the cheetah chases the eagle up the tree but cheetahs dont climb trees and arent that big, and it looks like 2 different clips🤦🏽‍♂️

  6. I make cute animal videos if you guys want to watch I want my channel to grow. I can't work right now and need money for surgeries and it's very costly anything helps.

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