Far Cry 6 – All Animal Fights (Part 1)

Far Cry 6 - All Animal Fights (Part 1)
Spread The Viralist

0:13 Boom Boom vs Mongoose
0:44 Guapo vs Mongoose
1:41 Oluso vs Mongoose
2:17 Chicharrón vs Mongoose
2:55 Coyote vs Mongoose
3:27 Boom Boom vs Yaran Crocodile
4:17 Oluso vs Yaran Crocodile
5:05 Guapo vs Yaran Crocodile
6:16 Guapo vs Jaguar
7:23 Chicharrón vs Coyote
8:18 Oluso vs Coyote
9:08 Alpha Coyote vs Boom Boom
10:29 Oluso vs Bull


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About the Author: Admin


  1. Is there a backstory explaining how so many large land animals made it onto Yara in the first place? Considering this island is based off of Cuba. And the largest native land animal Cuba has is a rodent called the Hutia.

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