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About the Author: MostrandomComps


  1. They should play 1:16 at every single motorcycle safety class. What a way to offset and save your damn life. The motorcyclists would have been dead without any doubt.

  2. To the guy in the Harley. You are stupid as fuck. Literally tho!

    1 car taking up one lane, he literally couldโ€™ve gone to the RIGHT and not crash, to the LEFT and not crash. He couldโ€™ve pulled a WHEELIE and swerved to the RIGHT/LEFT and still avoided the car

  3. 3:15 Dieser Motoradfahrer sieht doch schon das das Auto vorne langsamer wird und dann stehen bleibt. Der hรคtte mehr als genug Zeit noch gehabt auszuweichen. Das sieht mir eher danach aus als wenn der da absichtlich reingefahren ist.

  4. Is the guy at 3:00 blind? I was literally asking myself "alright when is he going to slow down, he isn't seriously going to crash into that decelerating car miles ahead is he?" until, unsurprisingly, he ran into that exact car.

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