15 Craziest Wild Animals Fights

15 Craziest Wild Animals Fights
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Everyone has a next-door neighbor that gets on their nerves. Sometimes, the same thing occurs in the animal world, and when things get rough, animals settle their differences in a different manner than humans do. Have you ever seen a cheetah and a warthog argue? What about a hawk and an iguana? If you enjoy it when the going gets rough, keep watching as we countdown the 15 craziest wild animal fights

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During the remainder of the year, many bulls wander in tiny bachelor groups away from the larger herds, but when the rut approaches, they grow aggressive and battle among themselves to keep dominance. Keep an eye on these two Tibetan Yaks as they compete. I assure you; I wouldn’t want to be in the center of this brawl. Massive, powerful beasts with vicious horns and muscular frames. They don’t stop for a single second, and the intensity is mind-boggling. These two yaks go at it on the side of a cliff, and this is no laughing matter. It’s anybody’s game and each yak gives it its all as the treacherous fight continues. Suddenly, one yak manages to flip the other over and pushes it down the cliff. Yakety yak yak…whatever that means. I don’t know where these yaks buy their dresses, but they are the coolest “accouterments” I have ever seen.

They wear them even during battle and it doesn’t take long before this yak pins another yak for a count of three. Defeated, the yak walks away with its tail between its legs. I guess yak’s fight for their colors. This black yak goes up against a white yak and the white yak overpowers it. When another black yak notices this, it comes to the other black yak’s rescue and the two black yaks join forces to push the white yak off their territory. I don’t know about you, but that was a lot of “yakking”. Finally, in this video, a yak attempts to reclaim its territory by slowly getting back on the hill. It manages to do so and then launches a violent attack against the other yak. These fellas do not kid around.


These cheetahs are on the hunt for some pork and look at how graceful this cheetah is as it’s galloping full speed ahead to catch up to this warthog. His friend joins in and they are successful in catching their prey. These two warthogs are not happy about this cheetah’s presence, and they let it know, but the cheetah is even more upset and lunges at the animals. The warthogs stand their ground and even challenge the feline. It’s time to rumble in the jungle. This cheetah captures a piglet, and you can hear the little one squeal to the top of its lungs, but no one is around to help it out. You can admire the blinding speed of the cheetah in this video as it runs down a warthog until it has it between its paws and it is game over. Cheetahs are extremely fast, but they’re not very big compared to the other big cats, so they must be careful and choose carefully what animals they hunt and that’s why hunting a small piglet like the one in this video, is safer for these felines, rather than going for a much larger adult warthog.


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About the Author: Admin


  1. Die armen kleinen Kaninchen Opfern für solch DrecksVieh wie einer Schlange pfui Teufel. Diese Menschen sind doch Krank im Kopf. In der Wildbahn kann das Mucki versuchen zu flüchten. Aber die Muckis ins Terrarium rein setzen wo sie kein Fluchtweg haben ist einfach Krank. Das machen nur Psychos.

  2. Dude,
    This video is a lame example of animal fights.
    You, your voice, and your analysis sucks too. You'd be better off just playing video and shutting your mouth.
    That would be a better presentation.

  3. This is all the result of the FALL. When the L-RD puts everything back in order, the animals will all eat grass as they did before Adam & Eve disobeyed…

  4. does not approve of this behavior..lets file a grievance,no no lets march…no no..lets make a youtube video and show the whole world..let me sit here and watch the WHOLE video..SMH

  5. Guy is pissing and moaning about all the videos he's showing you because someone else videoed it. I guess they weren't so bad that he couldn't rip them off and show them here.

  6. The dogs catching the fox is them just doing their job. Without any context how do you know the farmer wasn't merely eradicating a pest that has been killing his live stock for months?

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