15 times crocodiles and alligators messed with the wrong opponent.

15 times crocodiles and alligators messed with the wrong opponent.
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Crocodiles are powerful apex predators, but it doesn’t mean they always come out on top. Some animals give them a run for their money and sometimes even defeat them. Sometimes they’re just having a bad day and things don’t go as expected. Do you think crocodiles are always successful when they hunt otters? What about big cats? Let’s find out together as we countdown 15 times crocodiles and alligators messed with the wrong opponent.

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A troop of baboons can challenge even a big cat if they organize themselves but, in the water, against a crocodile, I don’t know how well they would fair. The attachment between a mother and her newborn baboon is quite profound, and they have a daily pattern that is like ours. Baboons are highly adaptable creatures that can be found in a wide range of settings in Central Africa. In this video, a smaller crocodile has snatched a baby baboon, but its mother jumps the crocodile and doesn’t give up until the crocodile lets the baby go which it eventually does, but the damage is already done. The mother baboon walks away with its baby in its arms, mourning its death. You can see in this video what I mean when I say a troop of baboons can manage to defeat a smaller crocodile.

Not all the baboons are courageous enough to jump the crocodile, but a few of them are gutsier than the others and once they go for it, the others join in the frenzy. This next clip shows a baboon fighting for its life, trying to get out of a crocodile’s jaws. I must say, the baboon’s strength is impressive considering the crocodile’s pressure is immense. The poor baboon gets away, but it looks like it has some serious injuries to deal with and there are no hospitals in the vicinity. Finally, a Grey Langur had its arm trapped in the jaws of a Mugger Crocodile while drinking water. The battle lasted over an hour as the monkey fought for its life. Later, the monkey was able to free its arm from the jaws of its assailant. However, during the fight, the monkey broke its limb, which can be fatal in the wild.

Wild Boar

Wild boars are powerful animals that can move quickly. In the event of an attack, adult males’ canines may cause severe injuries. However, when going up against a crocodile, the odds are against the wild boar. The crocodile is just too powerful, especially if the confrontation takes place in the water. In our first clip, this crocodile gets out of the water and sneaks up on some baby hogs. It looks like it’s going to be a cakewalk for the crocodile, but the entire family comes to the rescue and prevents the crocodile from approaching the youngsters. In this next clip, a bunch of wild hogs is in the water and an alligator approaches them.

The humans are throwing food close to the alligator as if they want one of the hogs to be ambushed by the alligator. A seriously deranged bunch of humans if you ask me. What had to happen, happens and the alligator attacks the hog, leaving it no chance. I don’t think wild pigs have a chance in hell against a crocodile or alligator attack when they’re in the water. Finally, this warthog pulls a few dances moves a la “James Brown” and manages to escape the grip of this mighty crocodile


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About the Author: Admin


  1. I had to shoot a 12 foot alligator in the swamps in Mississippi with a 12 guage shot gun with bird shot shells 3 shots that's all I had and he swam away he was trying to knock my 10 foot John boat over

  2. Spooky thing is that these rugged reptiles (crocodoids) will still be on this planet when the present fauna is long extinct….

    2:30 the scally dude spots a whole platter of porkchops….

  3. Oh my god, what did they do to the wild hog. This person is a murderer literally. That is the worse I ever saw human made.

  4. Everything else: We must fight for I lives!
    Cats: So basically I slapped it and it pissed itself. See what I mean when I say I am a god when I look at you pesky mortal humans?

  5. This is about the ad for Chris Hatfield's Master Class. Can you imagine opening the hatch of the space shuttle and seeing Earth right outside the door!!! The other thing that just blows my mind is how the rockets come back to Earth turn around and land as softly as a baby's butt.

  6. Had to stop watching after the clip where the people cause the death of the boar. Natural selection is fine causing the death of that boar was murder!

  7. humans be like :there are many strong animals….but if we can't outstrength them then let's outwit them…guns missiles and nuclear weapon…
    TADA….we are apex predators now

  8. The croc being thrown around like a toy was funny AF. It's nice to see predators suffer the same they make suffer their herbivores preys

  9. "15 times alligators and crocodiles messed with the wrong opponent"

    Video: Crocs and gators are badasses that usually win and you shouldn't mess
    with them.

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