The poor dog who has no fur, very thin, and worse, limping

The poor dog who has no fur, very thin, and worse, limping
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The poor dog who has no fur, very thin, and worse, limping

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This poor dog rescued by Strays Worth Saving – SWS:
“About eight months ago, Meet Slim ~ Many hearts were broken. She has no fur, very thin, and worse, limping. She cannot use one of her leg and instead carries it. It is a very heart-wrenching sight. I immediately asked a rescuer to find the dog. I asked Jun to go to the area and try to find and rescue Slim.
Jun took her to Petfriends Veterinary Clinic. She was negative of distemper. Thank you to Doc Melzie Fuertes who accepted Slim despite it being a holiday and the clinic closed. The leg damage from accident months ago can no longer be repaired. She however can walk on 3 legs. She was treated for severe mange and tape worms.
And today with angels at at Strays Worth Saving – SWS. Slim is pretty again and her fur is back. Slim is now ready to be adopted. She is also better nourished. All you need to do now is give Slim the love, care, and attention she deserves. Her ideal parents must care for her indoors.” Please support for Strays Worth Saving – SWS

Strays Worth Saving – SWS

See More:
– The poor wild cat who rescued from deep well:

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#AngelsAndAnimals #DogRescue #AnimalRescue


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  1. Omg what a beautiful girl in so much pain and so hungry people walking around her for so long it's so amazing one person had the will to help this beautiful girl. She's the one that needs so much love and caring and a safe home to live xx thanks to all that helped her out in her new life

  2. ????????????????????por Dios !!!! ver estás imágenes crueles de animalitos sufriendo y ver el Vaticano más me convenzo que Dios no existe pero que el Diablo si existe.

  3. ???❤la mirada tan triste de ése pobre animalito indefenso parecía que estaba esperando su partida afortunadamente un ser humano de buen corazón fue a rescatarlo ??gracias en nombre del ?DIOS LOS BENDIGA POR SU NOBLE ACCIÓN AMÉN.
    A las bestias "humanas" que lo tenían y lo dejaron en esa penosa situación que la vida se encargue de darle la misma que ellos le dieron a ése animalito hasta el día que se mueran, a todos ésos inhumanos que en la vida siembran cardos cosecharán Espinas.??‍♀️

  4. I cried a lot …. it is not fair that an innocent soul can suffer so much pain , thanks a lot for saving and giving this dog another chance , God bless you !!

  5. Thank you so much appreciate you are some people God bless you. Because you take time for saved this poor angel no all humans is devil no suffer any more.

  6. Desgraciados infelices inhumanos…
    Como puede haber seres tan corrompidos ver un ANGELITO así y lo único que le importara es grabar y no lo ayudan pronto
    Que triste decir que uno es un ser humano cuando no vale nada…..
    Un angeluto vale más que todo el oro del mundo

  7. Slim God bless you sweet girl. Thank you for saving that sweet baby.,and giving her a second chance. I pray she finds a forever home with LOTS of LOVE and happiness.

  8. thank you so much for rescue and taking care of her, Guys your an Angel, bcause you have a big hearth for those many Animals.I wish her healthy safe
    strong and happy to her new family and wishing allso the people who help
    her and wishing all of you healthy safe strong and happy to all the
    animals you help. More Blessings and God Bless to all of you

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