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  1. Awww, BiBi thought the watermelon tree was real when she tried to take a bite. Bibi and the duckling have such a special friendship. They are so relaxing to watch. God bless them!

  2. The monkey is very small. Cannot even walk properly. Where did he get it from? I hope not stolen from the mother. If that is the case then it's not right.

  3. anh co thể cho mình xin số đt của anh được k ? Mình cũng muốn nuôi 1 chú khỉ , nhờ anh tư vấn ,nhìn cưng quá hihi

  4. Parece una buena vida y comparte con diferentes animales, tiene cierta libertad , espacio, naturaleza , comida y un hermano pero no lo he vuelto a ver ?????????

  5. This animal is clearly drugged if you can't see that you're absolutely idiots. Everyone of you support the torture and exploitation of macaques for profiting. Pathetic.

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