Near Death Tiktok Compilation

Near Death Tiktok Compilation
Spread The Viralist

Near Death Tiktok Compilation
We hope you guys enjoyed this compilation!
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Music I Used In This Video :
DavidPro Official – Gas
DavidPro Official – Cards
DavidPro Official – Aggressive – Hard Trap Beat
DavidPro Official – Trigger (Hard Trap Beat)

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About the Author: Lil Slicky


  1. I was the most lucky person in the world
    I almost would've died
    The chances of this happening, were like, 1 in 10,000
    So, me and my friends were kinda bored in school. We were just sitting in the back of the class when one of my friends suggested that we just leave because we don't have parents and don't have to worry about the school calling them. We agreed and snuck away during free period. The next day was a Saturday, and we turned on the news to see if anything interesting was happening
    || And there it was ||
    There was a headline that said "School shooting breaks out at ******* High School"*
    It was the name of my school
    We got so lucky that we decided to skip school right before a shooting broke out purely by chance

  2. Can you not put 'welcome to the gulag' in the video, nothing even happens, you already put it one, stop repeating the videos

  3. One time I was on my swing in my mordern mansion and it had a swing I was like ok ima go on the swing and then it flipped over and i was like oh wait I know acrobatic and I held on I was yeah

    Video: Dogs barking and wagging their tails, most likely just curious about the bike, while the man tries to shoo them away.
    This is what gives dogs a bad reputation ?

  5. One time on my birthday I did 2:41 when I went down it was fine but when I got to the bottom my hand went under and 3 layers of skin came off not a fun time

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