Afghans gather at city stadium to watch traditional dog fight

Afghans gather at city stadium to watch traditional dog fight
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1. Various of people gathering to watch dog fight
2. Various of dogs
3. Various betting
4. Various dogs barking
5. Various dogs biting each other
6. SOUNDBITE: (Dari) Islam Uddis
“Dog fighting is and ancient Afghan tradition. People from different Afghan groups get together on Friday and enjoy watching the dog fight.”
7. Dogs fighting
8. Spectators
9. Dog standing by blood on ground
10. Dog runs towards a fight


Hundreds of Afghans have gathered at Mazar-e-Sharif city stadium to watch a traditional dog fight.

The fights are held three times a month on Friday mornings.

The spectators are all men, as women are excluded from watching the fights.

The fighting dogs are also all male.

Afghans bet heavily on the outcome of the fights, with some bets as high as 20 U-S dollars.

A judge declares the winner of the fight.

The fights almost never end in the death of a dog as dogs are too valuable to their owners.

When the the dogs aren’t fighting for their owners they’re working as sheep herders.

Dog fights are a long-standing tradition in Afghanistan and animal rights concerns fall on deaf ears.

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  1. yeh saale isiliye kabhi bhi shanti se ji nahi patey aur jab tak yeh duniya hai,yeh hamesha ek Badnaam jaat ke naam se jaana jatey rahe hai.

  2. Tell me… What's funny on death and killing!? Dogs are pets NOT WARRIORS!!! Up to five thousand dogs die annually due to abuse or dog fights!!! And I think it's HIGH number!!!

    Скажи мне … Что смешного в смерти и убийстве !? Собаки это домашние животные НЕ ВОИНЫ !!! До пяти тысяч собак ежегодно умирает из-за жестокого обращения или собачьих боев !!! И я думаю, что это ВЫСОКИЙ номер!!!

    Powiedz mi … Co jest śmiesznego w śmierci i zabijaniu!? Psy są zwierzętami NIE WOJOWNIKAMI!!! Do pięciu tysięcy psów umiera rocznie z powodu nadużyć lub walk psów!!! I myślę, że to WYSOKI numer!!!

  3. Probably one of the most stupid "entertainments" ever. The poor dogs do not have ears nor tails anymore, this is really disgusting. The animals are suffering so a few morons have a good time (how anyone ever considers this funny?)

  4. who lets two species violently fight each other? i mean, some animals do fight each other to compete for mates and food. and dogs do fight sometimes. but why do we gotta treat this as a tradition/sport? i dont get it.

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