This Happened on our Earth… !! 2020 . Events From all over The World

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What happened on our Planet. What happened in the world. 2020



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  1. Подписка,лайк,видио супер. Спасибо за работу.
    Жаль только с короновирусом!помню видухи с названиями:*уличная еда Китая*,всегда смотрела,слюнки глотала!?жаль людей? соболезнования семьям умерших?(мне кажется,изобрели искуственно!виновники на поверхности-кому китайцы мешают???вот с них и спрос?переплюнули,братцы великую,непобедимую-типа-державу!однак,всем китайцам держаться и главное!кушать мед,прополис,натур продукты,на время уехать из страны,ДЕРЖАТЬСЯ!-паника :первый пунктик короновируса!болею за вас!ОНЕ-типо великие мира сего,забывают,что есть вулкан в их просторах,при его возмущении востанет весь континент дыбом!Богу Богово!Бог им судья!а мы,низшие рабы этой рассы,смотрим их фильмы и читаем минталитет:боитесь пришельцев с планеты Z,бойтесь!смешно!на вас напададут извне!!?)
    22.31 это результат человеческой безнаказанности(я имею ввиду забор природного газа ,нефти и т.д.ессеснно провалы в почве!!)

  2. I have to give credit where credit is due. You gather the best examples of our earths nature, but to say they are signs for some religious crap is just fear mongering. Everything you just saw is what the earth has been doing for billions of years. There isn't anything out of the ordinary. So stop trying to make money by scaring people who don't know what the earths natural processes are. Just greedy people.

  3. pitch lightening crab erosion algae fire ice birds bats meteorite sinkhole storms wind rain dust devils locusts disease viruses seagulls. No wonder youtube wont pay you, all religious scaremongering

  4. religion is why we are so horrible a species, this is why you tube wont pay. all things in this video have been happening for millions of years. No fuzzy man in the clouds, just us.

  5. ? The earth is utterly broken, the earth is rent asunder, the earth is shaken violently. The earth shall stagger like a drunken man, and shall sway to and fro like a hammock; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it shall fall, and not rise again. And it shall come to pass in that day, that Jehovah will punish the host of the high ones on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison; and after many days shall they be visited.

    Isaiah 24:19‭-‬22 ASV

  6. Man will destroy the earth not a act of God HAARP, project Blue-beam,CERN, and weather controlling project, chem trails we all have been sold out 2/3 of the world population will be destroyed.

  7. How do you send a video to you? I have no one for now, but I'm just curious how do you do, I mean it's big files.
    By the way I can inform you "how it works" if you want to send a film for evidence to the police in Sweden: You can't! They have no platforms to receive any video, except by mail=<25 mb..! They even ask to send to their private mail..
    It's shocking, isn't it?
    Talk about catching up for the police..

  8. common it.s nothing new it.s aboit how people destryed the Earth and now …it.s climafe …change made by human activity realy how long can people kill the nature?!?animals hm hm the King will came back and will destroy all the bad people who are destroying the Earth…Daniel 2:44

  9. It reminds me about the plagues in Egypt over Farao. Not because China is the most sinful or worse country, in the world, but the signs.
    God bless China.

  10. Just great! You did it again, you informed the world what's really going on. You never seen this video, on the so called regular news on Tv. Nor on BBC, CNN or my countries' news.
    Thank you!

  11. La anomalía en el cielo de Siria parece un holograma, igual que la nube que parece un platillo.
    La nubecita del medio, en ese cielo azul, muy sospechosa.
    Gracias por el resumen.

  12. Muy tontos tirando el dinero. En un mes más viene el calor y lo van a necesitar.
    Y Arabia Saudí está cambiando o volviendo a ser lo que era? Igual que Antártida que no estaba cubierta por hielos según mapas antiguos.

  13. I'm certain this is a strong birth pain prophesied in the Bible signaling the nearing return of Jesus.
    Pray that "You" right now ? reading this will be ready ? and mind .

  14. 23:26 it’s funny how the internet is full of experts telling how all these things are normal but i keep seeing people that live there telling how they never seen anything like it

  15. Repent now to Allah swt & seek His forgiveness, you innocent people of this earth before you die. Death is definite to come. Not one could escape it. It is a part of Life. Subhanallah! Allahu'akbar!

  16. Bismillahir rahmaniir Rahiim!
    Yah Allah, end now the lives of all Thy enemies wheresoever dispersed. Give them Thy Mighty Punishment for any wrong they committed against innocent people. Give Peace & Tranquility to all Thy believers! We submit to Thy Mighty Will & Power, Yah Allah! Subhanallah! Allahu'akbar!

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