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About the Author: doublebinzz


  1. I knew a guy who claimed to have the same ability as the little girl…he said he knew (and I believe could see) when they were there beside him. I never knew whether or not I should believe him.

  2. They are Jinn. Call them ghosts, poltergeists or whatever. Jinn are occult (from the Ghaib or Unseen parallel dimension) beings made from fire, they can possess (esp. weaker-willed) people, typically children, move objects, travel at incredible speed, assume human & animal forms or present as strange, unidentifiable apparitions. They are not seen by everyone. They usually live away from humans, often in abandoned, or long-deserted, premises. This is not new information; it has been long known.

  3. Everyone pause 1:14 and 1:15 theres some sort of demon behind a crack of the wall u can see a some sort of face but u could see the eye clearly and then it vanishes u know its really evil cause of the look it has.

  4. Honestly, I have seen ghosts personally at times they were unexpected. So I can tell you directly, it's not something that my brain created for my eyes to perceive. Those times I've seen them, I was not aware that they were ghosts. It was only the time that they suddenly went missing that I realized that what I saw was not human.

  5. There are a lot of mysteries that are yet to be resolved by science itself. Following your logic simply would equate to claiming we're the only existing beings in the universe. Or say you know everything of the earth to tell what's real and fantasy when you just explored 1%.

  6. simple logic here is until our science elevates to a higher level, we can always follow the limited logic of its prematurity and claim the unexplained as fake or false until there is proof within the realm of science.
    People who choose to not go beyond its theories, will simply do this. But it doesn't make sense if these same people believe in a god.

  7. Also it is known if you believe in something enough the brain can sometimes show you it.
    It is my opinion strengthened by the facts and logic surrounding this piece of work that i simply can't comprehend ghosts ever existing. I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it.

    Until someone can explain to me why the things I have said are not complete fact, ghosts do not exist.
    This is my short paper on ghost studies, as you can see there is no room for error.

  8. Of course i mention these things in a time before steel, lights and structured societies.

    But why do we see things? I myself have seen things I can't explain but my only answer for is that we are diurnal creatures our eyes are made to see colour not for the night time, I can only think that maybe the brain projects images for us to see in an attempt to create fear so that we will leave the darkness and find safety, this being a survival method to keep us alive.

  9. Clearly ghosts can commune with us whenever they want and in many different ways.
    Some may argue further that only some people can commune with ghosts via “Sixth sense”
    but if this was true surely one of these mediums would film the event.
    My theory of the existence of ghosts

    It easy to see how early man could conjure up evil ghosts and spirits to an extent to actually fear them, things such as the wind making whistling noises,
    the strange calls of animals that have yet to be discovered.

  10. I don't know about anyone else but if i was a ghost i would certainly still talk to my friends and family.

    Some may argue that ghosts want to talk to us but can't do so properly, some may say all they can do is appear for a brief moment at a time not of their choosing. I don't buy this for a second, over the years people have claimed to have seen, heard, touched and even been attacked by ghosts, babies attacked by ghosts

  11. with person or group of people that could be filmed and shown as factual evidence of their existence.

    Of Course they're thousands of ghost caught on tape each year but what are these spirits doing? Hiding, creeping, moving objects and generally just fooling around as if their only purpose was to scare us. Why do mothers not visit their children? Why to friends not visit friends, and why do no spectrologists reveal themselves in front of a crowd and say “Hey ghost do exist, study me”.

  12. I do disprove them utterly but it is a very long type…
    People have studied ghosts for perhaps thousands of years, these people are called spectrologists, their primary goal is to learn and get a better understanding of what ghosts are but surely their secondary goal would be to once and for all prove their existence to the world making them fact instead of myth.

    Since the dawn of the spectrologist to this very day imagine all the people who have died, none of them have made direct contact.

  13. alright then post how you disproved ghosts, since you have been very vague on how you did so since everyone else who has experienced is apparently dim witted and uneducated from what youre telling all of us. please enlighten us on your studies so we can understand just how ghosts are NOT real. because anyone who has experienced ghosts,spirits, demons will tell you differently.

  14. Ive literally disproved ghosts in all forms… i could explain this to the greatest minds on earth and they would have no reply that wasnt mixed with religeon.
    But ghosts walking around earth and in peoples homes, completely disproved it with no room for argument, and my education was basic at best.

  15. Ive wrote a paper on how ghosts cannot exist.
    I posted it on a facebook group who were all ghost believers and they banned me for disproving them. The logic was quite literally undeniable and could not be argued with.

  16. People are always going to disbelieve until they have experienced it for themselves. I have been so drawn to the paranormal since the age of seven when my family lived in a house full of spirits that ended up driving us out of the home at 4 am. The things I have seen have stuck with me my whole life!

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