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About the Author: LeonaRulez


  1. I remember watching the original clip about 3 years ago before it was taken down…i think it was titled 'eerie woman'. scared the hell out of me!!!

  2. Ghost scary the crap out of me but the also fascinate me! I find it so funny and cool how a ghost can just pop up in yo home and chill out. If they can open doors then why can't they take yo food if the got the munchies? See! Ghosts are just breakers and enters and can never be charged! I mean really? Who takes a ghost to jail??!

  3. wtf really?? this is soooooooo fake all it is is a few pics made bright with photo shop then they add some pics with girls in it thats it EASY not that hard!!! you assholes make me made >:(

  4. @williambrown007 it would be totally believable if it was in the some random made up and cliche victorian garb? ghosts come from all time periods silly, and from all over the world. they are the spirits of people who have died, and there are many many people and not all dress in victorian dresses or white sheets. this actually does look authentic and believable.

  5. If you saw the original video, the ghost did not attack anyone. There was this lady who went to this apartment looking around and as she approached the closet, which was shot in her camera, she saw an eye of someone with a white face peeking at her since the closet door was almost closed tight. Then she stopped the camera and I guess she checked it but she did not find anything and then suddenly when she recorded again after the pause she saw that woman (ghost) stood there looking at her.

  6. omg u youtube haters are pissing me off all yall have to say is this is fake and gay fake fake fake fake well yalll are fake and gay u peiaces of shit >_< i beleave this is real

  7. This is fraudulent.
    Is the woman in Japan of living alone apartment room?It is an imitation of making and playing by oneself taken with the camera of the cellular phone that reflecting is bad in a room.
    Is the cellular phone released from the hand with what and do it run away?
    It is cheesed by an unnatural, foolish content.
    It is contributed here and there.

  8. now i know its fake after watching eerie woman clip all those japanese clips are faked.They are from a stupid tv show trying to freak people out which doesnt help people really out there trying to prove that ghosts really do exist.

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