Dogs React To Getting Adopted: Clear The Shelters | The Dodo

Dogs React To Getting Adopted: Clear The Shelters | The Dodo
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Dogs React To Getting Adopted | These dogs are seeing their forever homes for the first time — and can’t believe their new lives. You can help more pets find their forever home by supporting North Shore Animal League America ( and Deity Animal Rescue:

Credit: Kelly McKenna via JukinVideo(

Help us #cleartheshelters this Saturday, 8/19. Visit to find participating shelters near you

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  1. I adopted my dog 2 months ago during Bissell Pet Foundation's "Empty The Shelter". She has been the best dog ever, truly a joy in my life. I am so so HAPPY I found her! If your looking for a dog or cat, adopt from your local shelter because shelter pets are the BEST!!!

  2. You know
    I really wanted to foster when I grow up

    But that’s not possible
    I would keep every one

    So instead
    I will try to get a lot of doggos and cattos (not too many to the point of hoarding)
    And hopefully recommended other pets ●⍵●

  3. Sad thing is these days: I always wanted to own a dog, as I grow up with cats and dogs. Now I have a job, an own apartment and no dog or cat, since it would be cruel to leave them alone 10 hours a day. Yet, if I could I would most likely adopt a whole shelter … the system ain't working if you ask me.

  4. I love shelter animals! But where I live in Indiana if a animal is turned in to the shelter where I live to being put down by owner t they will not let anyone adopt it to save their lives! This us wrong!!!!!

  5. I love ‘clear the shelters’. And I love these videos and the dodo. Such great stories and great people. Keep up the great work everyone..

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