Funny Boat Fails to get you through your week.

Funny Boat Fails to get you through your week.
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Here are some great boat fails to make you feel just a little better about yourself!

#boatfails #funnyboatfails


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About the Author: Rex Videos


  1. Watching these boat fails always reminds me a work colleague of mine; he was a complete fail waiting to happen but was happy to laugh at himself. He once backed his boat down the ramp and jammed his brakes on to free the boat…but he was only halfway down the ramp. He also motored his boat ….mast up…into a 33KV main power supply feed over the river. His girlfriend of the time was in the cabin, near the sole of the mast. She left him.

  2. 2:59 I feel sooo sorry for that poor bastard, but yeah THAT is funny. I was once looking a buying a boat and we unhitched it and it ran down the drive like this, but then the forklift and again the boat…..

    no. watched more and it's fake…just too much..I mean from forward to reverse with the FL?…either that or he is off his face and I don't feel sorry for him.

    I go for fake but very funny

  3. Professional captains of two year olds, playing with their toy boats in a bathtub!
    Evidently none of them know the first thing about boating! ? ??

  4. It's Sunday morning, I'm having my traditional coffee ceremony and I stumble across this clip.
    If only you could imagine how much better this video made me feel . . . . {:o)~
    Best Sunday morning coffee in a very long time ! Thx ! ! !

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