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About the Author: Wicked Wombat


  1. Time deciders what's heart decoder Great flower s thanks giving Great nice lifestyle one changi ching Times end short time keeping in please see jw anks asked any question Jw organization answer your question s time short now world changed so question ask any question Jw organization answer 🌹👌🌹👍🌹🌏🌹⏳🌹⌛🌹💞🌹🔝🌹😁🌹

  2. Not sure why people try to humanise animals?? OR compare to humans! Over hundreds of thousands of years animals have adapted to humans!! Now I think pets are in control. The Billions of dollars spent world wide on unneeded pets could maybe be used elsewhere? Just say'n

  3. I was once at a 24 hour Walmart in NH one night. I saw some birds inside the store wanting out by way of their Garden Center.
    Of the four birds 🐦, one of them seemed to recognize that the black thing (door control sensor) above the automatic doors, knowing that it had something to do with making them open. So, it started fluttering around the sensor, while the others were on standby, ready to go when the doors opened. Once they did, they all flew out!

  4. The picture of this cat looking at a mouse hole with a shotgun is for me the funniest .This made me laugh out loud when I saw it and then I told my wife and she laughed even though she hasn't seen it so I came back just to find it.You see we have one that look just like this one and he stalks mice outside every minute when we let him out.

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