Piglet rescued moments from drowning

Piglet rescued moments from drowning
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A piglet had fallen into a well and was trapped unable to get out or even take a moments break from swimming. Just as we arrived and were getting our rescuer into his halter the piglet was starting to drown. Watch his amazing rescue and please share to help support animal rescue in India.

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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. Everyone who's commenting here Go Vegan, Fuck you. It's food chain. If every animal started living there a huge problem. Lmao. Fuckk Vegan. Eat and enjoy

    PC : I only care about dogs. Dogs are best thing ever. ❤

  2. You guys are Angels, that’s why I set up my monthly donation for this Organization ???❤️❤️❤️! Thank u so much for saving poor Animals ❤️❤️❤️!

  3. Yes. Every life is precious. I agree. But how many animals have we killed inhumanly?? Or just any animal that has stood its ground only to be mowed over by mankind. We suck. Mankind sucks. There are great great people I know. But 70% are worthless pieces of crap. Just on the fence waiting to go to the dark side.

  4. The guy that went in the well is risking his life , but ofcourse it is a team work , each contrbuting in their own way. This channel has created awarness for all animals the number of subscriber says it all

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