Pomeranian Puppies Meet Some Feathered Friends On Their Farm | Too Cute!

Pomeranian Puppies Meet Some Feathered Friends On Their Farm | Too Cute!
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Pomeranian puppies Sparrow, Wren and Finch are finding their feet, ready to go outside on their farm and make sure all the birds are where they’re supposed to be. They’re not the best herders yet, but they’re learning quickly!

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  1. "Parakeets"
    shows lovebirds

    Look, I know there are a lot of types of parakeets, but lovebirds aren't among them. Also how did the dogs get into the aviary?!

  2. Lol This video is such bullshit. You don’t raise Pom pups in an open room like that. Pups are kept in a nest like area like a short sided wood box so the mother can come and go as she pleases, then at about a month old you open a side of the box so the pups can explore the enclosed area outside the box. The floor outside the box is newspapered for pee and poop and gets them started on being paper trained. As they approach 6-8 weeks old they are introduced to soft food and are soon weaned from the mother.

    They took the pups out into that open living room only when they filmed them. My mother has raised Pom pups for over 30 years. This video is cute but full of so much bullshit.

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