Animal Advocates Society of BC rescued that old chained dog one dark, cold night on the day we were told about her. We made the video in the hope that it would encourage others to rescue a yard dog. Many distraught people have told us that it did give them the courage to remove a dog from its misery and give it a loving home.
Ten years on a chain, no blanket, not toy, not even a bone. Often no food or water. Animal Advocates Society of BC first saw this abused and neglected dog at night, lying in the frozen mud in her own feces, being snowed and sleeted on. Neighbours said that her owners urinated on her from the porch. Several upset neighbours told AAS that they had phoned the British Columbia SPCA many times, for many years.
The BC SPCA did not charge the owner with cruelty so Judith’s owners were never charged with cruelty. The BC SPCA did not help her in any way.
Finally Animal Advocates of BC was contacted by a distraught neighbour. We went straight to her; documented her misery and then rescued her out of her indignity and loneliness.
Please donate so we can continue to rescue dogs like “Judith”.
When we got her she was emaciated, dehydrated, and barely able to walk because of painful hips. Her coat was weighed down by clumps of caked mud. Her owners had named her “Judas”. We changed her name to Judith.
We cannot tell you this story without also telling you the happy ending that AAS guarantees every one of the dogs it rescues…
We found her a home with two very special people, who loved her dearly, and made her a member of their family, which is what every dog wants more than anything — wants more than food, water and shelter. And when her old hips gave out, her family got her a cart and took her everywhere. She went camping, and to the lake where she went out in the water as far as she was allowed. She even chased squirrels in her cart. And when she died of old age, after eighteen months, she took with her all her memories of pure love, and warmth, and good food, and fun. And the time before didn’t count at all.
See also: “Dog Chained In Freezing Cold – Diesel’s Rescue and Happy Ending”
Puppy Star – In a frozen box – her mouth tied shut…
I like to do to the people what they did to this poor helpless and defenceless beautiful dog, they'll get what they deserve when they get their judgement day from God
Absolute disgrace that the previous owners weren't even charged!!! I'd pi** and sh** on the previous owners……EVIL BASTARDS!!!!??
really something.
Lucky her in the end
I don't know how stupid and bad people can be leaving this soul out there years and years and why no one did anything against it
they need to be pay the price for their cruelty
Judith only lived 18 months, wish she had lived longer, but am glad she finally had a forever home. Chained for ten years and no one tried to rescue her? Shame on everyone who seen this and did nothing to help this precious girl?
Did the owners go to jail??
I’m happy she finally got the life she deserved, I hope the people who treated her bad get what they deserve
People that treat animals like that should have the crap beat out of them. REALLY.
What a beautiful dog she’s turned out to be.
Bastards why have they waited so long when they were told on numerous occasions.
No matter how many times I view this video, it infuriates me to think there are cruel individuals who do not deserve to be pet owners!
These people make me sick. I hope this people get their karma fast and furious
Anyone who treats an innocent animal like this, would have no trouble doing the same with children or the elderly. It’s disgusting!
God bless you!!!!!!!!✌✌✌???
Oh no. She died after only 18 mos????
THANK you, miraculous heroes, with the most enormous hearts on Earth. What you did here? Was a miracle!
La catena mettela nel culo del PADRONE VIGLIACCO
Why the hell would people wait 10 damned years???
Thank God she was FINALLY rescued.
The worst side of life. How can things that happen in life be so horrific and evil. Just the thought of this is so depressing and sad. Unfortunately I think the first 10 years of her life did matter. I'm sure Judith never forgot her abuse and it ultimately shortened her life. Thankfully she did get some attention and love before she passed.