Misa Minnie is a 31 week old (7 month) Yorkie puppy in this video that loves treats, training, and California sunshine. 🙂 It’s been awhile since we uploaded a new trick video so look out for all the new things I learned! I’m so proud of my little Misa we both can’t wait until she takes her therapy test when she turns 1 year old.
I still think she’s the worlds smartest Cutest Yorkie puppy! But I am also still bias LOL Watch the original video here and see what she’s been learning at
18 wks old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcCPckffKPg
19 wks old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYoETc8gipc
20 wks old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fAwW8X9xJ0
21 wks old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTm_vGLM5Is
22 wks old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1pFF_oQx4I
23 wks old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M21V3jIUgnA
24 wks old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFoFuzkNDMI
The tricks shown in this video are
be sad
sit pretty
roll over
bang (playdead)
be sad
Knock it down
wave (say hello/hi)
go around
close the door
and more….
So cute,?????????????????????????????
See mom…Yorkies can be religious. Not only will she pray but protect us and do taxes.
And cute human voice
gif him a vveilL. . . he will outdive zäh höle wülläffpäck v v
She had me at "pray". ?
Omg!!! Wow amazing!! She is sooooooooo smart!!
that's great.. nice
I have a dumb shih tzu
When I thought jiffpom was the smartest
Now I don't know what to say
That’s so cute
It's cute
She’s so cute ??????????????????
Sweet precious girl!!!!
,1.2k dislikes you should be ashamed people that dis liked she is so smart and cute
Seven months old? That dog is a genius.
Awwwww she can pray literally the cutest dog in the world
I have a 7yo male Yorkie called Bo, and he is also amazing!!!
I told my hubby I want one of those dogs . So cute
6 years Ago ?!??
I'm speechless??
Wow! She is smarter than some children I have met!
Meanwhile my dog only knows how to shit in the floor….
Awww,she IS ADORABLE ???
1.2k people are heartless.