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About the Author: Country Foods


  1. Your mother should be also cooked like this. We treat cow as our mother in India. This type of video will not be tolerated. Motherfuckerss. If I will get your mother I will also cook and eat her like this

  2. Please unsubscribe this channel and give them dislike…untill granny doesn't come back…Because of granny the team got thousand of likes and subscribers.

  3. I cannot watch anymore videos without granny. Sorry guys ur are all disgusting and respectful to ur followers of granny. It's because of granny this channel became popular an without her it's useless.
    IF NO GRANNY, YOU ALL WHO TRY TO COOK ARE HOPELESS IN UR MISSON. It's been a month an seems like Poor old Granny has passed away……. Bye all for good an i believe the rest should boycott this channel until they tell you the truth about Granny…????????

  4. 354- Likes 509- dislikes…… this is what happens when u lie, u could had respected everyone's feelings and told us about granny. We deserve to know, we care and love her.

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