Shrimping in Taipei → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SxnjOtDQ4g
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About This Episode:
Today we’re gambling in Taipei, Taiwan, but we’re not gambling for moneys, no, we’re gambling for dem sausages. In the dark streets of Taiwan, you may be lucky to stumble upon a motorbike with a grill on the back and a bowl full of dice. If you do, throw down a hundred NT, shake the dice and try your luck. Never have two vices been better combined! Sausage gambling!
Todde and Patty’s Art Studio in Taiwan: http://colorwolfstudio.com/
About Sonny Side:
I’m not sponsored. I’m not rich. I’m just some guy who wanted to make the type of travel videos that I would want to see. This show is completely self-funded so thanks for patiently watching that five second advertisement (and read below how you can support this channel).
I am a video director by trade. Each time I travel to a new country I bring a cameraman with me, usually a friend, to shoot as many episodes as possible in a short amount of time (usually a week). The rest of the time I’m working as a video director/videographer in Vietnam and editing the crap out of these videos.
Much love and remember, Don’t Think, Just Chew.
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Support My Channel:
Patreon is a platform that allows people to support creators on a recurring basis. Your contribution is an investment in creative freedom. Your generous donation will allow me the time and resources to create more videos for you. → https://www.patreon.com/BestEverFoodReviewShow
If you see any factual food errors in my video, please feel free to politely let me know in the comments.
I’m a huge fan of trying different, interesting and strange foods in each country. My show is from a Western point of view, but more importantly MY point of view, but is not meant to offend any person or culture.
your teacher called you dumb, your parents said don't believe in your dreams, what happened? i got ten sausages
try sausage gambling in Thailand who knows u mighet a couple still attached to pretty ladies
All you eat is nutz and cock wtf? Lol ?
Is that guy related to noriyaro
That dice is so rigged lmao! glad you got your meat
Who invented grambling?
“Sausage gambling might mean something entirely different to club goers in Thailand.”
Taiwan sausages is delicous and you need garlic ,yummy!
I need to go to sleep now but I must learn how to sausage gamble like the pros!!
Hold on, hold on. I NEVER comment, like ever. But this freaking channel makes me laugh so hard! I love it!
How were the sausages ??
Your awesome!!!
ooooh that guy is a VICE writer? that explains everything. I saw him in another video and was really comfused by how weird he is.
2:50 tAiwaN AiR FOrcE ReTirEd, ok?
*dad walks into the room: "what are you doing"?
me: "watching a guy gamble with sausage…"
walks out of room
Am going to to freeze five lmao!!!!!!!
thats expensive sausage
Hey Sonny, GREAT quality videos everytime. I know you're traveling to various countries to do your YouTube vids…just curious to know where you're currently stationed as your "home?"
Level 35 boss
Level 20 hitman
Level 1 Crook
This is how gambling works
This would actually be a fun thing to do while drunk ?
Is sonny side your real name. Or it's just a play of words on sunny side egg, because your show being a food review channel
nice fun in the street haha
You never cease to amaze me ?
Sonny is a WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️???
Sonny u suck with gambling.
10 sausages for 21 bucks?
This is stupid. Just pay for it !!
I didn’t win back then, they are pretty good. It’s easier just to buy the sausages.
LOL this video made me cry of laughter.
is your dad jeff daniels? i didn't know you could be addicted to obesity, is that a "feeder" type fetish
Its call sibala and I dont know what it means. I GIGGLED
Your good at humor!
You could have at least ate a sausage for the show!!! ???
Your pissed out of your head, and you can tell in real life you a moody bastard
????? I fucking love you Sonny keep it up !! Sausage gambling ahahaha ???
ima start wearing a bandana now
That dude with the cap looked a bit like a rapper ..untill i saw his pants damn
I seriously want to play this
I think this is my favourite episode so far
Oh no. Not this wannabe hipster again. He is very punchable
Lol funniest episode I have ever seen!
I wanna make a adventurous reality drug lord movie damn it. Why can there be a American punisher soldier go after a Asian drug lord for killing his family on vacation on a ontrip tour