We’ve had some awesome videos submitted to People are Awesome this month! This Best of the Month video compilation features longboarding, parkour, freerunning, pool trick shots, football freestyle and an epic golf putt!
Got a video you think we should feature next month? Submit it at: http://www.peopleareawesome.com
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Boombox Cartel – Colors ft. Grabbitz is OUT NOW!
Available now: http://spinninpremium.lnk.to/boombox-cartel-colors
Yoga Ball Tricks & Flips
Best of the Week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RzTBzsXc6s
0:00 Handstand on a Longboard
0:15 Slackline over a Pool
0:36 Huge High Dive
0:42 Tumbling at the Beach
0:50 Hooping Handstand
0:55 Front Flips Parkour Gap
0:58 Parkour Through Bars
1:02 Football Freestyle Catch https://www.facebook.com/Dembafreestylefootball/videos/1256176261060306/
1:06 Amazing Juggling Duo
1:11 Obstacle Course Cycling
1:20 Front Flips Parkour Gap
1:24 Amazing Pool Trick
1:28 Football Freestyle Trick Shot
Amazing Skills (Freestyle Football)
Petite compilation de gestes techniques avec des objets,un mur, banc, voiture, vélo etc…
Posted by Demba Football Freestyle on Thursday, August 4, 2016
1:31 Skateboard Freestyler
1:36 Handstands by the Pool
1:58 Picking Up Girls at the Gym
2:06 Skateboard Freestyler
2:17 Backflip Frisbee Trick Shot
2:26 Parkour Swing
Thats me trying to jump on rails and walls… #jaokay #supertoll
Posted by Andi Wöhle on Tuesday, May 31, 2016
2:31 Extreme High Dive
2:35 Weighted Box Jump by Devonte Wilson
2:39 Amazing Juggling Duo
2:45 Front Flips Parkour Gap
2:47 Parkour Gap Jump https://www.facebook.com/andiwoehle/videos/1788306461401596/
2:49 Football Freestyle Through Car https://www.facebook.com/Dembafreestylefootball/videos/1256176261060306/
2:54 Parkour Rail Swings https://www.facebook.com/andiwoehle/videos/1788306461401596/
3:00 Backflip Football Catch https://instagram.com/p/6VwW4uuQwFvebVZWOkvlEWZ-jMkt96wIcKEJo0/
3:04 Football Freestyle Cone Catch https://www.facebook.com/Dembafreestylefootball/videos/1256176261060306/
3:07 Kid Makes Epic Golf Putt
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PEOPLE ARE AWESOME is the number one destination for amazing, original videos and compilations of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We feature all sorts of different extreme sports and activities other amazing feats, including parkour, skateboarding, tricking, cliff diving, wingsuit flying, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, acrobatics, calisthenics, cheerleading, freestyle football, basketball dunks, extreme pogo, freerunning, cycling, kayaking, frisbee trick shots, golf, martial arts, BASE jumping and many, many more a host of other action sports! Whether you’re searching in 2015 or any other year, check out our amazing and original action sports videos in HD where we show you why we think people are awesome!
Check out our new video here!! https://goo.gl/JwKo9S
Very FunnY
Black kid is lost in the head
That golf course probably uses reclaimed water … gross !
it will be nice na"people are dangerous"✌️
Really awesome
Why do i not see nick pro
Dude! That last one….
Anyone know the place where are many trampoline
These guys are awesome
That last guy looked like he had fun ?
. HOPE you are OK
The ones at 0:44 and 1:50 isn't awesome if tons of people can do it
The last one was so funny
Sometimes i want to do this and then i think i'm gonna fall
How do you do a rope climb and ring mucle ups with a bike
0:42 ewww
The ending thooooo ???????????
Wow how amazing
2.NR 2 is in copenhagen! is there is my house
1:45 i went to the toilet
2:54 the floor is lava
Sorry 2:44
2:24 when you Say the floor is lava…
Oi eu sou brasileiro todo dia vejo seus videos
Hi i' am Brazilian
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1inxJDMTe6Q please check it out and leave some feedback <3<3 thanks
Can i have 100 likes plz because my mom and dad are think about to give my dog away NO JOKE plz ??????????
Uowww top
so cool