Cute Puppies – Funny Puppies Video Compilation 2017 ( New HD )
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The puppy in the leaves though..?
The smoke was lit. UN SUBED
i have two dogs but there are cute
Omg hii
I dunno why they had to put that cigarette in the dogs mouth, but we really need to ask ourselves: Does jet fuel really melt steel beams?
Putting a cigarette in a dog's mouth is not cute, is not taking care of your dog
so cute
Woooooow! so Cute ! Cool video with cute puppies! who too think what cool video. LIKE!
YouTube recommended a holocaust survivor video and a video of a man falling to his death today. I needed cute puppies to recover ❤️ thanks
You included clips showing abuse.
What breed of dog is that at 1:03
Loved all of these puppies except the smoking Chihuahua
I wonder, why are people so sensitive with puppies?? Like what if I hug my puppy so hard will it be an animal abuse? This doesn't make any sense.
The dog waking on two legs is evil those people are forcing them to stoppp that is unnatural
The baby with the puppies. Cuteness x10
Who came to the coments just to se people hate on the smoking dog thing?
what is the breed of dog at 1 06?
Amazing videos! Please watch molly my puppy pug and her latest videos on my account! Like comment share and subscribe please people 🙂 would be mega apprieciated! X
Why was the cigarette thing in this that is not cute or ok period
So adorable I love it! ️ exploding ball
3:05 Animal abuse
3:16 is bullying that little cute dog and can give it lung problems
love the puppies
So cute!????
Dadurch konnte ich meine Depressionen überwinden
Can you stop forcing so much milk in the puppy’s mouth?????!!!
1:00 the cutest part
11:41 i'm so happy.
OMG……PUPPYS ❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️