If you would like to order Ozzy Man’s Mad World here are the links!
AUSSIES: http://bit.ly/2gOKkSn
REST of the WORLD: http://bit.ly/2xhwv5T
It will start shipping from November 8. Cheers ya legends!
Source videos for When Animals Fight Back #3:
Elephant Trunk Hit (Jukin)
Never Taunt a Parrot
Condor Takes Over Hockey Game
Funny Llama Attack
Magpie Swooping Woman
Jackass Zebra Stunt
Leading a Horse to Water
Intended as a cheeky work of Fair Dealing – parody, satire, review, commentary.
Music via Audio Network.
00:50 That guy just went on a one way trip to Destination Trunk'd.
Lol. Absolutely hilarious ?
I think I just peed my pants ???
What happened to your hairs? Did you get electrocuted?
No one wants your shitty book.
That llama knew a cuck when it saw one.
a bloody book about youtube videos, i hope you didn't loose to much money on that
That Ilama was hilarious af!
Wholly crap, this guy's freaking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a stench
Watched a good few off these videos first time I've seen Ozzy man in a video you don't look as I thought but what women
That lion thought he had a meal. That removable head probably saved Thier life's. Hilarious.
Love the elevator music at the end ?
"Nah you won't you cunt"
yes but what if we dressed like a zebra and go strol in the African wilderness like a retarded down syndrome easy to get meal for predators
I wish Ozzy Man's Mad World book is available here in the Philippines?
Love the animals fight back vids
Man ! Thank you ! …. Love your hilarious comments , keep it up
That horse jumping was magnificent!
Ozzy bros are a fahken hilarious bunch of wankers!
mate I'm over in the U.S in Maine I don't pronounce me R's either mate.
I've gotta Thundah Chundah mayte.
Does enyone know why he says ”me” every time and not ”my”
At last I see your face. You fucking wanker. That is my compliment to you my good sir. Thanks for all the videos. Good laugh.
Your a real awesome Dude ?
Wright on Mate!
Im dying ?????