This week’s compilation is a father’s day special, a celebration of all the awesome dads raising awesome kids! Bring out the rockstar in Dad, give him the music he loves for Father’s Day! Buy Here: http://www.MyRockstarDad.com
OneRepublic – I Lived
Get “I Lived” by OneRepublic here: http://bit.ly/OneRepublicPAA
Check out their new song “Wherever I Go,” now available http://smarturl.it/WhereverIGo?IQid=Awesome
WATCH NEXT: JukinVideo: Dad’s Who Rock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZQwIUVQbAM
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0:00 – Little Boy Skates with Dad
0:06 – Kids Wake Surf with Dads
0:14 – Dad Training Little Gymnast
0:21 – Calisthenics Dad Does Planche with Son
0:26 – 2 Year Old Climbs Indoor Rock Wall
0:30 – Baby Skateboards on Halfpipe
0:38 – Dad Wakesurfs Holding Baby
0:43 – Dad Pushes Kids in Mini Cars on Ramp
0:46 – Father Weightlifts Twins
0:52 – Dad Tries to Copy Daughters Front Handspring
0:58 – Baby Tries To Do PushUps
1:06 – Josh Bridges Watches Son On Climbing Wall
1:18 – Little Boy Skates Half Pipe
1:22 – Dad Flips on Trampoline with Son
1:30 – Babys First Time Surfing
1:38 – Little Girls Tries to Skip with Dad
1:44 – Father Does Human Flag with Daughter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7dw9At_SLw
1:46 – Young Kid Lifts Weights with Dad
1:54 – Dad Does Pull Ups with Son Hanging on Him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n46PfTHDQxI
1:58 – Toddler Plays on Horizontal Bar
2:03 – Father Does Plance With Son
2:10 – Dad Walks Down Stairs on Hands
2:18 – Little Boy Jumps on Weights
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I have a 7 month old and I can't to get him in the ocean..
Very nice video..
142 far left feminists disliked this videos.
I saw this on facebook with another song. Some of the lyrics of that song were "we can last forever I'll run to you". Any ideas which song this is? Thank you have a nice day and Happy Father's Day!!♡♡
Throughout my childhood my father was distant and nothing was ever good enough for him. As an adult he ensured that I knew how everything I did was a failure, including knocking up my wife and producing an unwanted grandchild. He was there to criticize me for becoming addicted to Xanax and for being a bastard of a man when I came off of it, all in the same sentence. And finally he makes sure I always know what a colossal disappointment I am to him and that I fake my problems just so I can get attention. Until I was in my twenties, I thought that was just how fathers were.
Cute ????
What awesome parents, .. & what fantastic kids .. what confidence & belief in themselves will they grow up with? … they will grow up to be high achievers & great human beings …..
Awesome ❤ made me happy ?
my mom got my dad to jail because thier fighting and i really miss him so much
Me my mom and dad are fighting because my mom faith him with another girl she called the girl bit** I hate it maybe my parents will get divorce I am scared . And we are only 4 siblings I was crying at my bed :(Part
very cute vid
There’s a push by many feminists to ban Father’s Day because it’s offensive to them
Welp i wishe my dad was in my life ;(
That would be funny if some of these were older brothers
I cry because i dont have a real dad and dont know who he is?
1:03 awww
1:02 o my gosh I’m gonna cry
Its sou pretty
Woooooooooooooooow awesome
My dad is always busy. who else has a dad like that?