FailArmy is here to give you the freshest fails of the week. We’ve got skydiving fails, animal fails, and a particularly clumsy bridesmaid ruining her friend’s wedding! This has been a great week for failure, so you definitely want to check this one out. Do YOU have a fail you would like to show us? Submit your funny clips to FailArmy.com
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FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!
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Guy Puts Together Amazing Parkour Combo https://goo.gl/1tYQjy
Man Slips and Falls While Walking on Fountain https://goo.gl/cCYWur
Trevor Jacob Fails to Transfer From BMX to Skateboard https://goo.gl/ppJ4bm
Motorcycle Almost Crashes into Car Making U-Turn https://goo.gl/XDvkmm
Kid Falls Flat On His Back While Attempting to Backflip https://goo.gl/KLtafZ
Cameraman Gets Hit With Flying Bike https://goo.gl/GQT4mA
Gymnast Falls on her Back Trying to Backflip. https://goo.gl/nSxgYT
Guy Gets Hit in Face by Skateboard https://goo.gl/hLLWaH
Guy Falls Off Makeshift Ramp https://goo.gl/QyFp5S
Dirt Biker Takes a Harsh Fall https://goo.gl/76Dof9
Guy’s Parachute Gets Tangled https://goo.gl/s7GMVw
Brother Shoves Dandelion in Sisters Mouth https://goo.gl/ih78j3
Motorcycle Almost Crashes into Car Making U-Turn https://goo.gl/zLJ7NR
Guest Falls Over During Wedding Procession https://goo.gl/tRl2Pv
Woman and Child Almost Get Knocked Down by Fallen Tree https://goo.gl/j3TMD7
Guy Tries to Jump over Tall Pole in Parking Lot https://goo.gl/cKtwEO
Guy Attempts to Jump Over Puddle and Falls https://goo.gl/SQ8yYb
Guy Purposely Gets Pinched by Dungeness Crab https://goo.gl/Xcmr2P
Mountain Biker Tries to Ride Across Broken Bridge https://goo.gl/1uYng1
Turtle Struggles to Climb onto Log https://goo.gl/kRkZhE
Man Skates Into Man Performing Handstand https://goo.gl/vgQBem
Girl Attempts Unicycle Trick and Falls https://goo.gl/kJucU3
Guy Drops Girl on Grass https://goo.gl/DAVvCo
Horse Hates Selfies https://goo.gl/rQFu0V
Car Falls of Its Hoist https://goo.gl/LUX29R
Kid Drops Suitcase Full of Clothes https://goo.gl/iS1sRm
Drone Crashes into Motorcycle https://goo.gl/nrg2qO
Woman Freaks Out Over Bug on Knee https://goo.gl/z5ZykX
Baby Says Profane Word https://goo.gl/v4eR9i
Man Faceplants While Trying to Front Flip https://goo.gl/E2aTGE
Girl Rides Bike Down Dirt Hill and Faceplants https://goo.gl/yfjyoF
Golf club Vs Tree! https://goo.gl/dV7Ozz
#FailArmy #FailsoftheWeek
I like how the guy with the crab tells the crab 2 "let go" ???
“Holy fucking faggot”
Clickbait title
5:44 typical white parents
5:15 buy sweetener on itunes
Dear guy that dubbed himself grunting over the turtle clip: STFU, You ruined that clip
0:25 how did that even hurt
@ 1:44 is absolutely me.
2:49 Hey, how is it you can afford a full sized pick up truck and a SUV but you can't afford some $3.99 a roll sod for your front yard or pants for your child?
1:41 Leave it to the desperate for attention fat girl to ruin everything.
0:24 Every time a ginger cries and angel get its wings.
1.50 hahaha
LITERALLY NONE of these videos are from 2018.
You, sirs are liars and shamelessly reuse others' content as your own.
And that's why I don't go skydiving.
Bridesmaid ruins wedding & only 1 clip in entire video…
Am I the only one who thought that the thumbnail to this video looked like a Usher lookalike?
1:56 Yeah, maybe that's "the Lord" telling you "Nah, fam, I ain't spending time on this shit"
Are you ok?
0:28 that was the saddest moment of the entire existence of mankind
4:30 I feel bad for turtles dat camera man didn't help him!!
In the first clip, the dude seems really mad at the guy who pulled his chute first…
or is he mad at the person who packed his chute?
or is he just cursing? it sounded really personal and directed to just be cursing lol
anyways, who is he mad at, and why?
The girl with the horse looked so offended lol
You don't need to bleep out the little girl because shes just trying to say fork
The turtle one is like me trying to achieve my goals
Ps Poor turtle…
Music at 3:23 plz!
3:58 dead fingernail lmao
Dududu Dummies
including domestic arrival measurement sword bullet guard memory deny relevant barrel store throughout.
Rüyamda görmüştüm bunu ne amk
him minimize increasingly discover pastor rarely slide.
0:24 LOL
Project grow actual passion through trend re pretty train.
Off cloth veteran onion delay wipe bike early flood stage.
Only 1 ruined wedding 🙁
Ta dzidzia mówiąca obsesyjnie fuck, to musi mieć fajny wzór w domu…
Why do you use the same god damn videos in different YouTube videos??
wheres the outro-one from? 🙂
1:34 what my friend did to me once
How close I am to giving up on life 0:56
1:15 when you gotta take a shit but the person you like is right next to you
4:03 oha türk lan ne kadar şaşırdım as as as