Caught On Camera – Dog Neglected for Weeks by Animal Control Rescued – Hope For Dogs Like My DoDo

Caught On Camera - Dog Neglected for Weeks by Animal Control Rescued - Hope For Dogs Like My DoDo
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Like My Dodo? You’ll love Hope For Dogs rescue videos from the World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films.

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This dog rescue is part of the Rescuing Rogue series with Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue featuring Terri Sumpter. Produced by WA2S Films:

After numerous attempts by Blackstone Cooperative in Detroit to contact Detroit Animal Care and Control – so they would come and provide assistance, and rescue a very young, very scared Pit Bull – Jeff Connolly ended up calling Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue who dispatched a volunteer to the scene immediately.

Watch how volunteer Lori Briggs stepped in as a volunteer helping Detroit Animal Care and Control. Volunteer with WA2S Films and you too can help Detroit Animal Care and Control:

Thank you for the call, Jeff!

Subscribe to the official WA2S Films YouTube​ Channel for updates and new rescue videos:

To contribute to the American Strays Fund:

WA2S Films is:
Deanna Vollano & Tom McPhee

c. 2016 All Rights Reserved
World Animal Awareness Society
818.561.5109 Los Angeles

#AmericanStrays #WA2SFilms,#RescuingRogue #VetRescue #StrayDogCity

The words The Dodo are trademarked by their rightful owner:, Inc. which is owned by Group Nine Media GNM: Serial Number: 86975013

World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films have no affiliation with GMN or The Dodo whatsoever.


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About the Author: World Animal Awareness Society


  1. What has happened to this dog ? she was very frightened and was taken left at an Animal Care and Control Centre. Often these shelters have a high kill rate esp for pit bulls. There have been queries about her on their FB page. If possible could some assurance be given that this lovely dog is in safe hands. It is very distressing Detriot Animal Care and Control have a high kill rate. Why was this dog taken there ? This poor trusting dog was so happy in get into that van I hope it was not to death chamber. So the person taking the dog is Lori Briggs. There is a lot of discussion on line about this dog but there is not any assurance that she is ok. It is disturbing to think this dog could be dead.

  2. It such a beautiful dog, thanks for saving her / him and thanks to the v kind person who offered to adopt this poor doggy, really glad ??

  3. we were having problem with them iver there i hope they get that sweet girl the vet care she needs. im sorry she made a mess in the van. i wish i could of took her myself but i dont drive and the office girls were to busy that why we called for the help.

  4. Paitently waiting for the stray they picked up from my work places video to be posted. The poor girls story needs to be told, i wish i could of took her home myself. But having 3 dogs already i dont think i could take another.

  5. Shame on Detroit Animal Care & Control.  These animals deserve better. I will adopt this dog if you tell me how. Some human beings are pitiful. I have rescues and I will take them over people any day. Thank you Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue for caring for these beautiful babies. Can you tell I am an animal lover??

  6. I'm curious to know why the dog was taken to animal control, after having been ignored by them and yes that's what I feel they did, and knowing that she was going to be treated as nothing more than another number until she is killed? She's a beautiful dog, one I would love to give a home to, just because she deserves to have one….

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